Eileen, the Bottlenose Dolphin

Eileen the bottlenose Dolphin
By Eileen Armstrong
(age 9)

Hi my name is Eileen I’m a bottlenose dolphin. Do you know what I like to eat? Fish and squid.

One thing that I like to do is sleep, but I don’t sleep like you do I let half of my brain sleep at a time. If I don’t I would drown because I’m a mammal I have to breath air.

I live in the tropical waters of the Pacific Ocean. Some other animals that live around me are fish, squid, jellyfish and sharks.

I find my way around by echolocation I squeak and click the echo comes back and I can tell where an object is and how big it is.

That’s my mom got to go bye.

(original and unedited)


  1. Great job, Eileen! There's a lot
    of good information here, and
    you had a cute way to end the
    story. Keep writing!

  2. Love this story - you know a lot about dolphins. Great job, Eileen!

  3. I love dolphins and I like how you named it after yourself-that's so cool! Keep up the writing.

  4. What a fun story! I really enjoyed it and that's neat that dolphins sleep with 'half a brain' at a time. Fun!

  5. Wow! You sure did teach me lots this morning about dolphins!

  6. Totally cool stuff! What a smart way to teach your readers all about dolphins. And the ending made me LOL!


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