William and His New Guitar

William and His New Guitar

by Elias Dodge
(age 7)

Once upon a time there was a rock star named William.
He loved playing his guitar on stage, but
one day his guitar broke while playing on stage.

He went home and tried to fix it but he could not. He
was not very good at fixing things any way. He did not have enough
money to buy a guitar or pay a guitar fixer, but the people who
listened loved his music and really wanted to hear his music again.

They new his problem but then they had a idea they remembered that on January 19th was his birthday and today was January 18th.  They had all day to buy him a guitar and they could listened to his music again.

Finally the day came and it was time to open presents at his
party. Once he got to the family that got him a guitar he opened it
and there was a beautiful black guitar inside it.  The people and 
William were happy once again.

 the end                               
(original and unedited)


  1. What a great story, Elias! I love that it was almost his birthday. Keep writing!

  2. Very good story, Elias!
    Keep writing!

  3. Thanks Yvonne for encouraging Elias to write. He sure is enjoying this.

    His Mom

  4. Loved your story, Elias! What a great solution to the problem of his broken guitar. Keep up the good work!


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