The Destruction of Rome

The destruction of Rome

by: Tiago Lima Jacobsohn
(age 11)

The peaceful city of Rome was located beside an awesome mountain. People had no idea what was about to happen. Then people started finding hot volcanic bubbles in the ocean. Nobody knew what was going on. People started wondering what was going on. Then one man said: “maybe it's a volcano.” But no one believed him.

Then people started asking themselves: “is it really a volcano?” Up on the mountain a traveler from the city of Rome was walking. All of a sudden he saw an explosion. A gigantic boulder fell out of the sky. “It was melted” the traveler said to himself.

The man dodged the boulder. Then he went higher and found this cave. The man felt very hot and he heard strange noises. The man saw forty bats come at him, then he ran farther down into the cave. He wasn't looking where he was going and he fell off a cliff and into water. But then he climbed out of the water and then he heard this cracking. Then he saw lava come from the top of the ceiling. Then lava started sizzling everywhere.

The man started to shake. He heard cracking everywhere. Then lava came into the dome inside the volcano. The lava got everywhere. The man tried to escape in the water. The water disappeared. Hot rock is
everywhere. Molten rock pours in. Then the traveler gets his pick ax. He makes a hole in the wall and escapes. Then he covers the hole.

The traveler goes back to Rome and warns everybody. They all evacuate to Greece. Then the volcano explodes. Lava flows everywhere. Volcanic rocks fly. The volcano destroys itself. Rome starts to crack. Then all of a sudden Rome explodes. The molten rock started to cool down. The land became flat again. Then the people rebuild Rome. The traveler had saved them from the explosion. The traveler became their HERO!

                                                                  The End.
(dictated and unedited)


  1. What an exciting story! Well done, Tiago!
    Keep writing.

  2. Wow! That was very exciting!

  3. What a great story - lots of action! Thanks for sharing, Tiago!

  4. We are so proud of you, son!
    Keep writing!!
    love, Mom, Dad and Sam!

  5. Hey Tiago! Very nice story! Made me feel good not being in Rome this occasion rsrs. Keep on wrinting I want to know what will be the next story! Kiss Angela

  6. Very well done Tiago - keep writing you will never regret it!

  7. You pack a lot of action and suspense into a short story. Congratulations!

    Chris Eboch
    The Eyes of Pharaoh: a mystery in ancient Egypt
    The Well of Sacrifice: a Mayan adventure
    Read the first chapters:

  8. Great imagery and wonderful story, Tiago! I wish we had more heroes like your traveler in the real world! Keep it up!



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