Jolynn’s birth day
Eileen Armstrong
(age 9)
On May 27 2010 something vary important happened to me. My baby sister Jolynn was born! She has blue eyes but we’re not sure what color her hair is yet though. Now I’ll tell you a story about that day.
When I woke up the day jolynn was going to be born it was sunny and bright. I was cheerful and happy. The day before mummum, poppop, and Alex had come to our house. After we had a yummy breakfast we headed to the hospital in mumum and popop’s van to see mom dad and jolynn.
It was a short drive to the hospital but it took a long time to get to see mom. We waited and waited and waited. Alex and I played a fun Nintendo game to pass the time. Me and mummum got a stuffed puppy for me and josh to give to jolynn. Finally we got to see mom and the baby.
When we got to the room we saw mom and she had some cords taped to her arms. Jolynn was in a cradle on wheels and jolynn was really little. Dad was on the couch that was there which I don’t think was vary comfy.
Every one got to hold jolynn and she was so little. Mumum and poppop took a lot of pictures. Josh and I had ice cream and it was good. After awhile we went home. We ate a yummy super and went to bed.
The next day Nina, aunt Suzy, and Alison came down to see jolynn. They got to the hospital before me, josh, Alex, mumum, and poppop got there. Then we all got to hold jolynn and took more pictures. We had more ice cream then we went home.
That was last year now she is 10 months old. She is bigger then when she was born too. I love her a lot and she is special to me.
(original and unedited)
What a very nice story, Eileen!
You could read this to Jolynn
when she's a little older.
Good job! Keep writing.
I liked your story!....You sound like you are going to be a wonderful big sister.....I never had a sister but I have 2 daughters and they have a special love for each other.....
What a special couple days that must have been, Eileen! I'll bet you can't believe your baby sister is going to be one year old soon. Great story, Eileen!
Eileen, thanks for sharing this awesome "Mother's Day" story! Jolynn is blessed having you for her big sister! Look forward to reading more stories from you!
What a great story, Eileen! I enjoyed reading it. Please keep writing. I look forward to reading more of your stories. And I think Jolynn is lucky to have such a wonderful (and talented) big sister!
I love your story, Eileen! You did a good job showing us how you felt, especially with the "waiting" part. I liked how the words got bigger and bigger too. :) Good job, Eileen!
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