A Terror in the Night

Katelyn Zoss
(age 11)

Chapter Two

Since Dark had fallen I could see only short distances. Then I bolted for the house. When I reached the door and ran inside. I said, “Mom! Mom! Dad said there was a tornado and that we should go to the basement right Away!”

I could see, when I came in that mother had gotten Jaelyn to stop crying. As soon as the words left my mouth Jaelyn sobbed.

Before we went down stairs to the basement I ran outside once again and grabbed our little baby kittens and their mother. With my brothers help we put them in a small card board box with a blanket on the bottom.

We put the box just inside our laundry room which is the first door to the left as you come down the stairs.

I don’t remember much about those everlasting minutes in which worried about my father getting to safety. I do remember that my little sister asked if we could pray. So Mother, Me, Treyton, and Jaelyn all knelt down and preyed. We prayed that Father would be okay, and that God would keep us all safe.

To keep my mind off of what might happen to Father and to us I played with our little kittens, it did not help very much. The kittens were scared too, that was apparent, they squirmed and meowed for their mother whenever we held them.

My brother was very enthused about the possibility of a tornado, when we were serious though, he was a little less than enthused.

We were all scared, I knew that much. I prayed to myself over and over again. And I found that whenever you pray, it makes you feel warm and secure. And I hoped that everyone else in our area was safe too.

All I knew was that there was a tornado out there and that it could be Sevier and it could be very mild. With the weather we were having, I suspected that it was not mild in any way.

Finally I heard our back door open and close. It was Father and he was perfectly safe. Although he was also went for it had started raining out of doors.

I asked, “How is it out there?”

“Calming down a little. I think we could go upstairs.”

Since Father was at the top of the stair way he was first through our other door which is to the left as you come in the back door. Treyton and I were first up the stairs with the box full of kittens grasped between our fingers. They began to get heavier with every step I took up the stairway.

When we reached our destination at the top, we stepped up the two other stairs leading to the door. As we stepped through the door, I heard a slow rumble then a loud crack, thunder. It scared the kittens… they began to meow again.

We sat upstairs for what seemed hours. Father finally said that we could go to bed, “Oh Boy…!” I thought, “Here we go, Jaelyn will probably say but what about the fan?” and that is exactly what she did. I remember that I didn’t go to sleep until the electricity came back on early that morning.

The next day was Sunday and we all had to take baths, before we left our house for church at 8:45 so we could make it to Sunday school at 9:00. This meant we had to get up very early. And I am not at all a morning person except for whenever I am in the mood for it.

When I rapidly ascended the church stairs to my Sunday school class room, everybody except for the teachers were talking about the Tornado that had gone through the night before.

One of my friends named, Emma, said that their electricity had gone out too. And she had just gotten into bed when the tornado sirens began blare all around the town. My friend Emma used to live near the High school in Eureka. There was a tornado siren there and at the Eureka Fire Department. First the High schools siren went off, then the fire departments’. When Emma heard the first one after getting settled into bed she nearly jumped a foot in the air as she got out of bed. Or so she says…

Well we were all pretty shaken up, like my friend Nolan; He said that there were all kinds of storm chasers parked along the road by his house. Now that is pretty cool if ask me. But they were pretty scared seeing’s as their parents weren’t home at the time.

As we went home that day I felt glad that God had laid his protective hand over us while that horrible storm passed by. And thankfully no one was hurt Bad.

The End

(original and unedited)

1 comment:

  1. What a super story. I'm so glad you were safe. You did a wonderful job telling it!


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