My Happy Cat

My Happy Cat
Landis Beverly
(age 10)

My cat is always purring. I am not sure why he does but when he scratches me and I punish him he still purrs. He even purrs when I carry him upside down.

He purrs when you throw him. It can sometimes be scary. He purrs when I accidentally step on his tail.

I love my cat. He is really fun and active. He has been on a two mile walk with me and my parents. My dogs like him and he likes all three of my dogs. I hope this cat does have nine lives.

(original and unedited)

If you are between the ages of 4-14,(or know someone who likes to write stories)I would like to post your story here. Send me an email. For more information, go to Pet Parade. I'd love to read your story!


  1. Thanks, Landis, for your
    cat story! Good job!
    Cats are cool!


  2. Great story, Landis! I just got a new kitten that is very friendly. She purrs all the time, too. Keep writing.


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