The Little Bird

The Little Bird
Allison Shaw
(age 11)

Jewel looked at her baby bird adoringly. Her baby looked a lot like her; luminous black eyes, soft brown feathers, and a brilliant orange beak. But what should Jewel name her baby bird? Perhaps Julie? Yes, that would have to do.

Jewel looked down on her beautiful new child. She loved and cared for her. But there was one problem. Julie was too small. She was four inches up, and she was only 11 years. She couldn’t fly. So Jewel would have to teach her.

“Now, lift your wings up and flap, dear. You can do it!” encouraged her mom. So Julie did as her mother instructed her to do. She lifted up her wings and flapped. But Julie was too small. She would need to see an expert flyer.

Jewel and Julie went to Crachit, the professional flyer, who knew most every technique. “Now, lift up your wings and fly!” She lifted up her wings and flapped, but she was just too small. “Come back when you are older, and heavier.”

Julie was thirteen, and certainly bigger, for she had just gotten over her growth spurt. One day, Julie dreamed of flying, so she lifted up her wings and flapped. Her body felt weightless as she lifted herself into the air. She did it. She was flying!

“Mom! I did it! I flew up, up, up into the air!” But then she heard a beeping noise that pierced her ears. Her alarm clock. So it was just a dream? Wait, maybe it was real, maybe she had just fell asleep while flying. She lifted her wings and flapped.

The end!!

(original and unedited)

If you are between the ages of 4-14,(or know someone who likes to write stories)I would like to post your story here. Send me an email. I'd love to read your story!

Wiggles the Polliwog


  1. Oh, Allie - what a beautiful and creative story! LOVE it!

  2. I adored the names Jewel and then Julie for her baby. (And then, isn't that just like an alarm clock to wake us out of a good dream.) Your surprise ending left me with a huge smile. I enjoyed this, Allison.

  3. I love seeing you spread your wing and fly, Allie:) Good story!

  4. Love your story, Allie. Jewel and Julie sound like beautiful birds. I like how you leave us guessing and hoping at the very end. =]

    Very nicely done!

  5. Allison, that was so good! The story kept my interest, wanting to hear the next line to see what happened! You are talented, dear, keep writing!!

  6. What a delightful story, Allison!
    I really hope you write more.
    Good job!



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