by Hope Berkheiser
(age 11)

 One day as a man was walking along he saw a sign that said a new road was going to be made. Then he saw the next sentence that said, “New road will be called THIEF STREET” and he screamed, ”What! I’m going to tell the Police.”

 So he started running to the Police Station. Then, he saw a sign that said COMING SOON: KIDNAPPING ASSOCIATION. “ Oh no! Now I have two things to tell the Police" (By the way that association was meant to prevent kidnapping). As he was running he saw a man dressed as a thief for a play. Seeing that, he thought, “ Great! Those street workers are already sending thieves out.”

 After he saw the thief he started running faster. Along the rest of the way he saw signs that said: DONATE TO THE NEW ROAD THAT IS GOING TO BE CALLED THIEF STREET OR TO THE KIDNAPPING ASSOCIATION THAT WILL BE LOCATED THERE. He was so confused why all these people could get away with all this. He soon saw the Police Station ahead of him and was very glad that his fast run was almost over.

 When he saw the sign on front of the Police Station he about fainted. PROUD DONATORS OF THE NEW ROAD AND KIDNAPPING ASSOCIATION When he recovered from his shock he walked into the Station and talked (rather shouted)to an officer and told him a new station should replace them because they supported the very things that they tried to stop!

 After he calmed down, the officer told him that Thief Street was only a name and that the association was to prevent kidnappings. So, he figured all that running was for nothing.

 (original and unedited)

 This story is homework assignment from 
Polliwog Writing Lesson 13 "Silly Stuff"
where they learned to use their imagination.

 If you are between the ages of 4-14,(or know someone who likes to write stories)I would like to post your story here. Send me an email. I'd love to read your story!

Wiggles the Polliwog


  1. What a fun story! I was giggling all the way through. :)

  2. Definitely a fun story! You did a great job with this!

  3. Very Cute! I loved the use of (rather shouting) :-)


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