The Window Seat

The Window Seat
by Grace Berkheiser
(age 11)

This story doesn’t start at the library. It starts at a sewing store. We had gone there to get fabric and other things. Apparently we were not the only ones that needed something. As we stood in line at the checkout counter, we saw one of the workers from the library. She was buying some sort of matting. I thought she was probably buying it for something in her house. 

On our next trip to the library I found out that was not the case. The woman we had seen at the store was working that day. She had seen us at the store and told us what the matting was for. It was for a window seat. 

little later we went over to look at the window seat. From it, you could see into a sort of garden. It was cloudy that day and the garden with its dark green plants, its statue, its position tucked in a corner, and the wind blowing through everything looked a little mysterious. It was a wonderful place and I liked it very much. 

 Lesson Fourteen - Library

If you are between the ages of 4-14,(or know someone who likes to write stories)I would like to post your story here. Send me an email. I'd love to read your story! Signed,
Wiggles the Polliwog

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