"Success" and "First Solo"

Zachoia Cooper
(age 13)

The word ‘success’ needs to be defined because it is often used to describe temporal success instead of lasting success. Some antonyms of this term are failure, loss, defeat and flop. Some synonyms are triumph, victory and achievement; success can also mean personal prosperity. Success is similar to wealth and fame but these things are more transient than lasting success. While success can mean the attainment of profit, a deeper meaning would be winning in the game of life. Christians have success because they have found the answers to life. The best kind of success isn’t just being wealthy or famous. It is having a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Zachoia Cooper

Recently, I had a solo part in the children's choir at our church. When I stood up in front of my mother, father, and all the congregation, I was not sure that I could sing my verse without momentarily forgetting the words. Thankfully, God reminded me that I was singing to His glory, not my own. After that, I was able to sing calmly and joyfully with a heart full of praise.

 (original and unedited)

If you are between the ages of 4-14,(or know someone who likes to write stories)
I would like to post your story here. Send me an email. I'd love to read your story!

Wiggles the Polliwog

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