Happy as Could Be

Happy As Could Be
Phillip Cooper

In a big city,
There was a merry-go-round. 
On it snuck 
A mischievous hound.

This hound liked
To play on things
And if they were shiny
He liked to sing

This merry-go-round
Was a very shiny thing
It was so great
He wanted to sing

Except it was night
And people were asleep
So he couldn’t howl
He couldn’t make a peep

This merry-go-round
Was different from another
In fact, it was quite
Different from others
For the middle of the ride
Was clear so you could see
The controls, right there
 As clear as can be

The hound walked right in
The door was unlocked
(If the ride manager knew
He would’ve been shocked)

The ride was in 
A park you know
So people would hear 
If the ride started to go

But the hound wasn’t thinking 
As he clambered inside
Pressed a button 
And started the ride

The alarms gave the call 
that something was wrong
And it sure didn’t sound 
like a pretty song

The alarms produced 
A very irritating sound
Especially to the hound
it was simply LOUD

The security guards came
Along with the police
They came and shouted

But then they saw
It was only a hound
Who was very irritated 
By such a horrible sound

But the hound thought
The police were mean
So he immediately thought
Of a plan that was keen

He decided to make 
the ride go faster then ever
he snickered and thought
"My plan is sure clever!"

The buttons he couldn’t
Figure out at first
He was so anxious
He thought he would burst

While he figured them out
The police were discussing
How they could get the hound out
Without him fussing

That was when
The hound figured out
Where the button was
He wanted to shout

Except someone remembered
That the ride would end
If it didn’t have power
They just needed a friend

The ride was powered
By electricity
Electricians work with that
That is their specialty

They got an electrician
Whose name was Ken
And he cut the power line
So the ride would end

“But the hound is afraid”
The policemen said
Let’s go away and have
Someone else here instead

That somebody was
An animal specialist
She gave him food
And gave him a kiss

That hound went back
Home to his family
And there he stayed
Happy as could be

(original and unedited)

If you are between the ages of 4-14,
(or know someone who likes to write stories)
I would like to post your story here.

Send me an email. I'd love to read your story!

Wiggles the Polliwog

1 comment:

  1. Very nicely done! The rhythm is very good, and a fun piece. Nice job!


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