"Basketball Evaluations"

This story is an autobiography assignment
 for the last lesson of the

(Congratulations, Philip!)

Philip Cooper
(age 9)

In December, my brother Eric brought me to my basketball evaluations. He brought my siblings, Zachoia and Elias, for their evaluations too. The people there would test us on our basketball skills. I had been practicing beforehand. When we first got there, Eric had to get in line for some papers that each of us would need. I saw some of my teammates and friends from other years that I had played.
After Eric was done, the first thing we did was get measured. I was a little more than 4½ feet. The lady wrote that on my paper. Next we tried on jerseys. I was a youth medium. That also went on my paper. After that, we got in line to be evaluated. The line was something that I haven’t seen anywhere else, but I thought it was really cool. The line was made up of chairs. I sat down on the first chair, then moved down the line.  I like it better that way because your legs don’t get tired.
When it was our turn to go to our first test, I was excited. The first test was dribbling around cones. I was good at dribbling so I got a high score. The second test was passing, but you didn’t just pass. You slid sideways as you passed like you were guarding somebody. I dropped the ball once, but otherwise I did pretty well. The next test you tried to steal the ball from someone. Coincidentally, I was trying to steal the ball  from my teammate that I had the year before. I wasn’t so good at this, but I tried my best. The fourth test was layups. I was good at layups so I got a high score. The fifth test was shooting. I was also good at this. The last test was also shooting, but without the hoop. The reason for this test was so the person you were shooting to could see your form. I excelled at this one also.
When I went back to where Eric was, Zachoia and Elias were already there since they were ahead of me in the line. We walked back to the car and drove off. We were on our way home when Eric surprised us by pulling into Dairy Queen. Eric, Zachoia, and I got ice cream while Elias got chicken strips. It was a really fun night and I’m glad God let me have so much fun.

(original and unedited)

If you are between the ages of 4-14,
(or know someone who likes to write stories)
I would like to post your story here.
Send me an email. I'd love to read your story!

Wiggles the Polliwog

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