A Bad Cook

This story was written as an assignment for 
Lesson #2 "What's It All About?"
for the 

Abby Degnan
(age 13)

     There once was a cook who worked at a fabulous English restaurant that was the most popular restaurant in all the state! It was always clean and perfectly performed. The food was delicious, until one day a cook named Pimsy came to town.
     They didn't expect her to be so terrible! Her biscuits were rock hard, her pancakes were half-cooked and her coffee was cold and her burgers were raw!
     Pimsy tried her best, but still made a mess of things! One day, a man came to try the food, if it tasted disgusting, they would close the restaurant down. If it tasted delicious, it would stay open.
     Naturally, Pimsy was going to cook something for this man. She cooked a steak, made some coffee, made a disgusting potato dish, and made some of her famous rock hard biscuits!
     He had tried the coffee and was not pleased at all. It was as cold as ice! He had asked for the steak to be well-done. He took a bite of it and it was completely raw! The potato dish made everything worse. He tried biting into the biscuits, but he couldn't. He tried so hard that a tooth fell out!
     He was going to close down the place, but the manager pleaded for him to give them one more chance. They would get a new cook. They fired poor Pimsy.
     Before she left the singer for the entertainment didn't show up! This was her chance! She could show them her talent to sing and they would give her her job back!
     She went up on stage, cleared her throat, and sang "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot." Everybody in the restaurant listened closely to her beautiful voice.
     She sang again the night the man came back and he the food that the new cook would cook, and he loved the singing even more! They hired Pimsy back and the restaurant stayed open.
     Then Pimsy had recognized her talent and became world famous for her wonderful singing.

(original and unedited)

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If you are between the ages of 4-18,
(or know someone who likes to write stories)
I would like to post your story here.
Send me an email. I'd love to read your story!

Wiggles the Polliwog

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