Siblings - Handfuls and Enjoyments

Siblings- Handfuls and Enjoyments
Hope Berkheiser 

            Having a lot of siblings can be a handful. I have 8 of them. Also I am the 2nd oldest so I have a lot under and younger than me. They often get crazy and loud which produces a headache. At stores they will get excited and ask for everything, at church they get tired and at the Grandparent's house they go absolutely wild. Other times we fight. Sometimes, with such a big family there are complications or misunderstandings. These can make everybody grumpy. But even with all of these there is a solution, which is God. If we obey Him and be loving He will help us fix all of these problems. So that in the end having a lot of siblings doesn't have to be a handful.

            Siblings can also be fun. We play lots of games, activities and other things together. If there were only 1 or 2 of us we couldn't do half as much or as fast. Many times we talk for hours. Trips are especially fun. We amuse ourselves with act outs, telling stories, or listening  to things while we travel for hours to one place to another. But the best times are when we obey, get along, and are loving. We don't always do this yet when we do our undertakings go well. My favorite aspect of having many siblings is being able to love them and see them grow physically and spiritually.  

If you are between the ages of 4-18,
(or know someone who likes to write stories)
I would like to post your story here.
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Wiggles the Polliwog

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