The Lincoln Bank Robbery

The Lincoln Bank Robbery

Carleigh Sawyer
(age 9)

The Lincoln Bank in Warren, Maine was robbed on January 26, 2014. There were several witnesses. The night watchman was on duty and there was a crash in the next room! He drew his gun and hurried into the safe room. The door was wide open. The people passing by heard gunshots! He caught two thieves in the act, but one escaped swearing revenge on the night watchman! 

The customers ran out of the bank at the sight of the thief, a mask on his face, a gun in his hand and dressed in black,with very dark skin. He jumped into the black sedan. The driver sped off going at least 100 miles an hour.

Carleigh Drew, a well known private investigator, was working on the case. The local police department needed extra help, so they hired her. One day she had just got home from spy school when she saw a black sedan going 100 past her. She jumped into her beautiful blue convertible and raced after them then she noticed a bomb in her car. She slowed down, jumped out of her car, called the police and said, “ My car is about to blow up! I am on flower street, please pick me up.” 

In a few minutes she could hear sirens wailing. When they got there they asked her how a bomb got in her car. She told them that the thieves must have thrown it in her car when she was chasing them. The policeman said, “ It's to late to get them now. Let's go back to the bank.”

The black sedan was back at the bank! 

“Hey that's the same sedan that threw the bomb in my car!” Yelled Carleigh. 

The chief of police shouted to his men, “ Let's get in there quick!” The night watchman was tied up. 

The thief held a gun to his head and said, “ If you come any closer he's dead!”

 “It's Johnny Appleseed the bank president's assistant.” Said one of the policemen. 

In the meantime, Carleigh Drew had climbed to the top of the bank, opened the skylight and shimmied down. She came up behind the thief and grabbed his gun. Then the policemen arrested him and his driver and took them to jail. 
                                                     The End                                                          

(original and unedited)

If you are between the ages of 4-18,
(or know someone who likes to write stories)
I would like to post your story here.
Send me an email. I'd love to read your story!

Wiggles the Polliwog


  1. Carleigh, I just read your story. It's awesome! Keep up your creative expressions and your dream of becoming a spy!- Aunt Debbie

  2. Nice job, Carleigh! Lots of action and excitement :-)
    Cyndi Gonzalez

  3. Carleigh that was an awesome story! I loved every word. :)Keep writing stories like that!!!


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