Explorers (part II)

Explorers of the 1600's
by Ben Morsey
(age 11) 

John Smith
Traveler to the New World!
In the years 1606 and 1607

I am ready for a great adventure! I just learned of three ships sailing to the New World with English
merchants very soon. Captain Christopher Newport has been sponsored by the London Company
under King James I to seek out gold and lumber, and I shall join him!
On route to the New World
I am in shackles, accused of conspiring a mutiny against our captain! I hear
they may execute me! They all despise and mistrust me. How shall I be

1607 in Jamestown
We have reached the New World and settled in an area the captain calls
Jamestown, in honor of our king. I am still in shackles, yet spared
execution. I hear rumors that the king wishes to make me a leader of this colony, but I am still
mistrusted and remain in chains.

After being released from my chains, I led the new settlement through good and bad times with hard
work and assistance from a native princess, Pocahontas. Her people had captured me and were about
to kill me when she threw herself over me and saved me! My explorations carried me up the
Chesapeake Bay on my small sailing vessel. I am sailing back to England soon in agony over my
terrible injury. A bag of gunpowder I carry about my waist exploded, and I need proper medical care.
I fear that I shall never see the New World again!

Henry Hudson
Search for the Northern Passage
1607 to 1611

The seas are deep blue as we sail to North America on my ship, the Hopewell. We are
searching for a northern passage through that great continent to Cathay [ China ] for the
spice trade. I didn’t find the passage, but I will look again.

I have been sent again but again searched in vain.

I have been sponsored by the Dutch East India Company on the Half-Moon to search once
again to find the passage I seek, but I won’t tell why I got a Dutch sponsor. I’ve searched once
again in vain but that won’t stop me. I’ve set our course south, but once again I won’t say why.
After setting our ship north again, I’ve discovered a river, but I decided to turn back home.

I’ve found an English sponsor again to search the New World on the Discovery. When I
reached North America, I went south into the river I found on my last voyage, and into a bay
where I started to chart the land. My crew and I ran out of food, and when I refused to turn
back, I knew they were plotting a mutiny.
Note: Hudson explored present-day Hudson Bay, Hudson Strait, and the Hudson

Samuel de Champlain
Canadian Journey
1608 to 1620

I just found a sponsor who will send me to the New World to found the city of Quebec. I will be
sailing on a ship named Don de Dieu, Gift of God, along with two other ships.

I’ve just landed in the New World! My crew and I are so relieved to be on dry land. To start the city,
my men and I built permanent buildings. The Native Americans seem friendly enough, and I’ve even
befriended two tribes by engaging in battle against an enemy tribe, although I’m wondering what
will happen in the future between that tribe and France.

I have explored and charted many corners of this land. I’ve also re-established the fur trade. I’ve
found some great, treacherous lakes, explored lots of rivers, and met a great many natives. King
Louis XIII has ordered me to cease exploration and return to Quebec.

(researched and written for a Homeschool Project Fair)

If you are between the ages of 4-18,
(or know someone who likes to write stories)
I would like to post your story here.
Send me an email. I'd love to read your story!
Wiggles the Polliwog

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