Samuel Shunk
(age 9)

Collin is a boy from Africa, sent the whole way to Amarica, because his parents didn't want him, because he was blind, and they couldn't care for him. He was sent to his grandfather in Amarica. At first his grandfather didn't want him ether. He barly got food, he slept in the hayloft, and had to wash the windows. But when he did it whithout complaining, and he did a good job, the grandfather stared to like him.

One morning Collin woke up and his grandfather had made his favorite breakfast. He knew because he could smell it. Mmmm! baken and pancakes whith maple surup! After breakfast his grandfather told him to go do somthing that he wanted and not to work! So he took a bath. After his bath his grandfather told him to worship the sun. He told him to enjoy the day because the god was there, but at night he should despise the night because the god was gone. Collin didn't know what to do! He went to the meeting to worship the sun, but it didn't feel right.

One day he was sent to a school for the blind. His grandfather didn't know it was a christian school for the blind. Colin started to hear about a God who never left you once! He never told his grandfather about it, for he would get mad!

After he memerised a few bible verses, one of his friends invited him to joy club. He told Colin that it was a bible club. So together they went to the bible club. Collin love dit! His teacher Mrs. Smith helped him step by step. He worked so hard he got a sash in one day!

When he was walking one one of his friends said, "did you hear how the teacher told us how to be saved?"

"Ya," said Collin. " I want to, but I don't know how."

"I do," said his friend. "My teacher showed me. She told me the words.
Dear heavenly father, 
I believe you came to die on the cross for my sins. 
Please forgive me. Amen."

That night Collin got saved. When he got home his grandfather looked at his sash that said Joy Club! His face got red, but he made Collin go to bed. That night he heard his grandfather on the computer. He heard him mumble as he read the words on the computer. "Joy club is a place where kids can go to learn about Jesus the true God and have fun." Collin heard his grandfather say, "errrrrr... errrr" and then stomp to bed. 

The next morning, instead of bacon and pankakes with surup he had to eat moldy bread and merkey water. After breakfast he quikly slipped out the door to school. That night he slipped to Joy club. He told his teacher he had gotten saved. She was so happy that she gave him a badge to put on his sash, and a brand new bible! to make things better, in forsquare he was the lone to stay in the longest in the fourth square!

When he was walking home, he asked one of his friends to read the new bible to him. He read Genisus 1:1 "In the begining God created the heavens and the earth." Collin planned on reading his bible when he got to bed. He hid his badge, his sash, and bible in his poket. 

When he got home his bible fell out of his poket! Collins grandfather was so mad that he took the bible and riped it up and bured it. Collin couldn't keep the teers back. His grandfather hit him and sent him to bed in the hayloft without dinner. 

The next morning he had to do jobs, eat moldy bread and merky water. That day at school a new kid came and he was a bully. Once he found out Collin was blind, he started picking on him, shuffing him and pushing him. 

One day the boy started to fight. He hit Collin to the ground and kept hitting and hitting him until Collin asked God to help him even though he was blind. Then his friend jumped in and pushed the boy off and hit him in the face and made the bully run off screeming. His friend tried to help Collin up but Collin was bleeding in his nose and head. He was bruised bad, so bad they had to call the hostpital! As for the bully, he was no longer aloud to go to the school. 

When Collin was sent to the hostpital and woke up, his joy club teacher was there. His friends and his school teacher came, everybody exseped his grandfather was there. Collin knew why in two reasons. First he didn't care about him, second he was at a meeting worshiping the sun. O he wished his grandfather would saved!

Collin was healing slowly. One of his ribs was craked, he broke his leg and bruised his face very bad. People sent him cards and presents. His Joy club teacher gave him a new bible! Colin read it every night there. One of his nerses saw him reading once. Her name was Rosa. Him and her read the bible every night. 

One day when Collin was tring to read the bible she said, "I want to be saved to." So Collin showed her how. That day she got saved! After she did, Collin and Rosa read the bible and prayed. Three days later after that, she came in and said, "I have told therteen people how to be saved, five were boys and eight were girls!" When Collin heard this he was so happy! But still sad about his grandfather. 

When he finally was able to walk Rosa took him to his grandfathers. It was bedtime when he got there so he said goodbye to Rosa and went to bed. His grandfather was at a meeting to worship the sun. Collin prayed and prayed to God that someday his grandfather would be saved. Then Collin fell asleep. 

Meanwile back with his grandfather - His grandfather and the other people were cursing the night. Then suddenly a extremely bright light shown down upon them! The were nocked out of their seats. 

Then they heard a loud but gentle voice that said, "Woe, woe, unto thee,. I am the Lord thy God. Collin's grandfather?"

"Here I am," said Collin's grandfather. "What do you want of me?" 

"Collin got saved. Instead of rejoicing, you riped his bible. Go and ask him how you can be saved."

Then the light was gone, and so was Collin's grandfather. He was on his way home. When he got there, it was almost midnight. When he got in the house Collin was fast asleep. So the grandfather went to bed. 

The next morning Colin woke up and "snif, snif" went his nose. He smelled bacon . . . pankakes . . . with surup! He ran from his bed. since he was blind he couldn't see his grandfather sitting there. So when he sat down he was quite shocked when his grandfather said, "How do you get saved?" Colin was so happy he thought it was a dream!

Collin said exciditaly, "Come hear, first why do you want to be save?"

His grandfather said, "because I believe Jesus is real. "

"How?" said Collin. 

"He talked to me!"

"He did!" said Collin in a loud voice. 

"So can you show me how to be saved?"

"Well, reapeat after me," said Collin. ""Dear heavenly father . . . "

"dear heavenly father . . ."

"I believe you died on the cross . . ."

"I believe you died on the cross . . . " 

"I believe in you . . ." 

"I believe in you . . ."



Collin was so happy that his grandfather had gotten saved!

The End

(original and unedited)

If you are between the ages of 4-18,
(or know someone who likes to write stories)

I would like to post your story here.
Send me an email. I'd love to read your story!
Wiggles the Polliwog

1 comment:

  1. I liked this story very much, Samuel. I'm so glad Collin and his grandfather, and his friends got saved!
    Keep writing!,
    Mrs. Sawyer


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