In Search of a Normal Life, Part Eight

In Search of a Normal Life
Rowan Champeon
(age 11)


“Stop the electronic boat,” he yelled to the captain.
But, I made the boat continue on it's course and when the solders jumped in their boats in order to stop the boat I was on, their boat's engines wouldn't work, but the engines of the boat I was on wouldn't stop. I was going to the city. Then I saw a group of people that were all friends of mine one of which was Rakmid. so pretending I didn't know Rakmid I joined them
            “Hi, mike” said Vinda.  “Where have you been? You didn't show up last night. Why didn't you?” said Vinda continuing the conversation with me.
            “I got transported to the bounty hunter city by an Alien that was trying to turn me into one of his men,” I responded.
            “so how did you end up here?” asked Vinda.
            “I took a wrong turn and ended up on this boat,” I answered.
            “A very unlikely story, but I'll take it. Before you go running off could you help us figure out what this map is for?” asked Vinda.
            “I think its for the inside of this ship. Apparently they have a machine that is like the one on the doctor's ship. See, it says that this is where you come out of the machine here,” I said pointing to the machine.
            “Ok, that's simple. Thanks! Speaking of which could you join us in room 8 after super? Rakmid there thinks we sometimes hang around that runaway power very often so he has the same room as ours. By the way have I introduced you to Rakmid yet?” asked Vinda.
            “No you have not,” I said.
            “Pleased to meet you Rakmid,” I said.
            “Its a pleasure to meet you, what's your name?” he then asked.
            “No time for that now. They are about to close down the machine that we have to go through to get to supper” said Lyda in a rush.
            “Then lets go then,” said Mask
So we went through the machine.
            “here we are.” said a voice from behind Mask.
            “Who are you?” I asked turning around to see what looked like a human brain with 6 legs three on each side.
            “I'm mask's brain bot to keep him updated on the teleology around him.” he said.
            “Then why didn't you help us with that map?” I asked him.
            “I'm sorry I wasn't listening to what you were saying I was looking at the energy force,” he said.
            “He means the water,” said one of my friends, but I wasn't listening. I was looking at some shrimp and pineapples.
            “Why don't we get some food. I have got my eyes on some food,” I said as I walked to a table and ordered a glass of some water and the shrimp and pineapple.
            “Could I have some shrimp and pineapple please?” I asked the waiter.
            “of course and would you like to order now or later lady’s?” said the waiter to Vinda and Lyda.
            “No, we want some time to decide what to order,” answered Lyda before Vinda could speak
            “What would you like, mister?” asked the waiter.
            “Mask, my name is Mask.”
            “Ok mister Mask, would you like to order now or later?” said the waiter to Mask
            “I would also like to order later,” answered Mask
            “Is that your info droid? We don't allow info droids at the table. Its a dumb rule but we have it,” said the waiter.
            “Sorry for that. I didn't know,” said Mask.
            “I'll have nothing,” said Rakmid.
            “Are you sure?” asked the waiter.
            “Yes, I'm sure,” said Rakmid.

after dinner we all went to the shared room to sleep. At about midnight we arrived at our destination.

 (to be continued)

(original and unedited)

If you are between the ages of 4-18,
(or know someone who likes to write stories)
I would like to post your story here.
Send me an email. I'd love to read your story!
Wiggles the Polliwog

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