In Search of a Normal Life, Part Seven

In Search of a Normal Life
Rowan Champeon
(age 11)


“well, I got trapped, captured and almost killed at one point but at least I'm at home where none will attack me.” I was wrong at the door of the police house was their commander, Raven!
The same one who had tried to capture me.
            “Wait just a minute, I thought I got away from you,” I said rather surprised.
            “You didn't tell me that we had a fugitive here!” said Raven.
            “I didn't know he was a fugitive,” said the kind man at the desk.
            “You did what!” said the now enraged Raven.
so I ran out the door and tried to get into my police car, but there was no time. I went up a ladder I found and we were running on the top of the buildings. Up came Raven with a jet pack!
I looked back in time to see that Raven was wearing a stun glove so I used my super speed and      I ran away as fast as I could.
            “That should stop them from chasing me,” I said.
then I saw bounty hunters. there were hundreds of them on the streets on the sidewalks and             they were all looking for me! So I pretended to be just a normal person walking across the street. It
worked. Then I saw a sign saying, all powers come to this city, and you won't be chased unless you do something illegal.
            “That sounds like the place for me,” I said aloud. Apparently someone heard what I said.
            “Look, it's him. Get him somebody,” said one of them.
            “ahahahaha,” a lady screamed.
            “Looks like I'd better leave right now,” I said.
So I ran to the location the sign said.
            “Hello, who are you and are you a power or just looking for a job?” asked the man at the ship
            “I'm a power,” I responded.
            “Which runaway power are you?” he asked.
            “The newest one,” I said.
            “you can't go you're far to powerful plus every bounty hunter in the galaxy is looking for you,” he said crushing my hopes.
            “I'm afraid I'm going to have to call the Military hunter to take you away” he said.
            “What, why, when, what for?” I asked.
            “now to put you were you belong,” he answered.
            “And what makes you think they are going to get the call?” I said to him threateningly.
            “Well, this satellite is one of the best kinds of satellites there is,” he said wondering why I had said that to him.
            “Even the best can't stop me from stopping the call,” I said.
            “you're a hacker,” he said with surprise
            “No, I can control electricity and stop the call from coming” I said.

            “Guards capture him,” he yelled suddenly. I realized that the city was on an Island in a gun free zone so I quickly jumped on to the boat that was leaving the city.

(to be continued)

(original and unedited)

If you are between the ages of 4-18,
(or know someone who likes to write stories)
I would like to post your story here.
Send me an email. I'd love to read your story!
Wiggles the Polliwog

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