In Search of a Normal Life, Part Nine

In Search of a Normal Life
Rowan Champeon
(age 11)


“Here we are at the city of peace known for its no gun law, and that stray powers that are being chased can live here at peace but only certain ones,” said the info droid.
            “...“And what a city, might I add,” said Mask.
            “Well what do you think sister? Should we build a house here?” Lyda asked her sister.
            “I think this is a perfect place to build a home,” answered Vinda.
Just then a group of soldiers passed by with their weapons ready. I could tell by looking at their faces. Then I remembered something from long ago, but just as the thought was about to come full blast into my mind
I heard Rakmid speak.  “Those guys are in a hurry to die for their country.”
            “Don't speak of such things as dying. It's a terrible thing, dying is, please don't speak about it please don't,” I said.
            “Wait just a second, why that sounds just like something Experiment Dangerous would say,” he said revealing my secret.
            “Wait he is our friend and his name is Mike. He can't possibly be who you think he is or could he? You are Experiment Dangerous aren't you! We trusted you. Get away from here you evil thing. You don't even have the papers to be here and you lied. what could you want with us? Go away from here to wherever you are supposed to be!” said Lyda tearing my heart apart with her words.
            “Sorry got to go,” I said running away crying with my super speed.
            “Get back here now, and at least come with me if there is nothing for you here.” said Rakmid, running after me.
I was just about to lose him when I bumped into Raven!
            “Guy's I just found him, get him he is right here.” Raven said obviously annoyed and happy at the same time.
I ran. When, they caught up to me this is what I heard from their conversation:
            “You have got to be kidding me. Of all the places to make us annoyed when we just want to get it done with, he chooses the mud river,” one of the more experienced ones said.
            “Well at least this won't be easy. He isn't flying off with his super speed. Right in the long run this will be an easy catch... right?” said one that didn't have as many battles behind him and was young and hopeful.
            “I don't care how easy this will make it. He will probably do just that when we catch up to him!” he yelled in annoyance.
            “Well then at least don't be so loud and negative. Besides its all the more reason to catch up with him,” he said back, trying to make the other less angry and just as hopeful as he was.

            “I have thought up something to make this easier. Why don't we take a boat down this river,” said another one of the men. So they did. Raven swam and not surprisingly they got the boat in the river but it wouldn't work.

(to be continued)

(original and unedited) 

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(or know someone who likes to write stories)
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Wiggles the Polliwog

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