In Search of a Normal Life, Part Fifteen

In Search of a Normal Life
Rowan Champeon
(age 11)


When we got in the prison we went straight to a certain room and there was a pretty lady. Wait it was Vinda.
            “How in the world did you get here?” I asked with astonishment
            “I decided to go back and used this as my excuse to stay the commander here and Raven helped me get here. My job here is to make sure and keep track of all the prisoners and I extract any information that would help us find the prisoners should they escape. I never dreamed I would be doing this to you! Of all the people to do this to,” said Vinda yelling when she said, you
            “guards do it so we can get this over with.” that's when I realized that it must have been a week. So when the guard went to stab me with his spear and push me to the ground I grabbed the spear and zapped both guards and Vinda so hard that I temporarily paralyzed all three of them.
            “You can't get out. All the guards have guns and you still have to deal with the security system. Plus all the guards are robots. Did I really just say that?” asked Vinda.
            “Well, then I will not let any of the prisoners escape. The robots won't come, and the security system won't work, and I will use the portals to get out this is the dumbest place to keep me in who decided this anyway? In case you wanted to know I will go back to the Island of Peace,” I said running out of the room. But I insistently stopped when I heard this...
            “The Island of Peace is more than 2 years to get to if you are going to go around the terminals which have machine guns on each one of them, and you will be slowed down by pretty much every bounty hunter in the world. You'll never make it there,” she yelled down the hall.
I yelled back. “Even if it will take that long I will go on peace road on which nobody can be chased and no guns are allowed,” I cried as I came out of the last portal and ran in the direction of peace road and continued to cry all night long.
Now the road which I was on was very boring for quite a long while: each day the mission was the same get far enough to get to the next hotel.
Then one day the action kicked up quite a few notches. Now to understand this next part you must understand that all along the canyon (we were in the Grand Canyon by the way) there were speakers telling us the news:
            “There are bandits up ahead led by none other then Sinester. He is taking energy from powers and then waiting for the powers to wake up so he can make them work for him as slaves,” said one of the loud speakers. Meanwhile at the next hotel:
            “Was that good enough for you Raven, Lyda, Vinda, Breacrave and Rakmid?” the announcer asked trying to figure out if Raven was pleased or annoyed.
            “Yes, if I am correct all the others will leave and find another way and the few who stay will be the ones who know that this is probably just a trap for some one who isn't supposed to be on this trail. Mike will stay because he hates Sinester because he loves the Island of Peace. Sinester turned it into pretty much a bunch of ruins so Mike will come to fight Sinester, will be surprised to see us here and will definitely not be ready to fight us therefore giving us the advantage,” said Raven.
Rakmid trying to keep there hopes down because he was afraid Mike would escape said. “Might I remind you that Vinda has to do the actual capture of Mike and that if Mike is mad enough he might destroy us before we get anywhere close to him. Plus if he hates Sinester so much why has it taken him so long to get here.”
            “Good point quiet here he comes,” said Breacrave.

(to be continued)

(original and unedited)

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Wiggles the Polliwog

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