In Search of a Normal Life, Part Fourteen

In Search of a Normal Life
Rowan Champeon
(age 11)


The Military base looked like a man made dam with buildings that looked like cylinders with domes with a tall spike at the top. It was a sight to behold. Then the guards led me to the largest of the buildings in the center of the Military base. They led me into the main room where the meetings of the 3 organizations were held.
            “This is the power, Experiment Dangerous, who has caused so much trouble. He looks very handsome but he doesn't look very dangerous and he certainly doesn't look like he has super strength. Are you sure he is the right one?” he asked when he finished his circle around me.
            “Of course he is the right one. He has the same weakness as Experiment Dangerous even the same mind frame as the right one and no two powers have the same mind frame” said another person who was obviously annoyed.
            “Well, why don't you put him in prison with an anti power helmet on at least until he is no longer sick and we know where to send him. Experiment Dangerous will be useless to us until he can use his powers,” said the person who was representing the Peace organization.
            “It is decided that he will be sent to prison till we have decided what to do with him, or he can use his powers.” they took me to the street and then put me in the back of a taxi. By the back of the taxi I mean were you would keep luggage.
            “Are you sure you want to put him there? He should at least go where the passengers sit” asked the taxi driver as he lit a cigarette.
            “Don't worry about him. He's the new power who was caught a week ago. I think he like's it there.” said the guard.
            “Ok if you say so but it will not be my fault if he escapes or falls out and gets hit by a car.” the taxi driver said as the guard put me in the back and locked the door from the outside. Then I was driven to who knows where.
I don't even know how long the drive took. It could have been days, it could have been hours. All I know is when we got there it was pitch black. The only lights in fact were the lamps on the side of the road and the light coming out the windows of the prison. The taxi diver stopped at the gate
and asked. “You guys are going to have to go the rest of the way on foot I'm not allowed in there and I don't want to go in there are you sure about this?”
            “Yes, I'm sure this is the right place. I can see it on the map. See you later,” said one of the guards.
            “Wait, we forgot to grab Mike out of the back of the car. We opened it but we didn't grab Mike,” said the other guard jumping in front of the car.
While the one guard grabbed me out of the back of the car the other guard stepped out from in front of the taxi and let him leave.
(to be continued)

(original and unedited)

If you are between the ages of 4-18,
(or know someone who likes to write stories)
I would like to post your story here.
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Wiggles the Polliwog

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