Hunting Trouble

 Hunting Trouble 
Elias Cooper
(age 12)

Paul Kilijackson slung his rifle over his shoulder. Beside him, Timothy Baer was reaching for his. It was the second year of the Revolutionary War, and the Kilijacksons were having a hard time getting food. So seventeen year old Paul and his best friend, Timothy, were going on a hunting trip. 
"You ready?" Paul asked. 

"Yes", Timothy answered. "Let's go."

Half an hour later Paul saw a big grizzly bear. He was about to shoot when Timothy knocked his gun away. 

"Wha-," Paul was saying.

Timothy said, "Shush!" 

Paul heard something -- at a distance at first.  Tramp, Tramp, Tramp, Tramp 

And over the hill, there they were -- thousands of British soldiers, in their bright red coats.

 "Hide!" Timothy said. 

"Where are they going?" Paul wondered. 

"To Bunker Hill! Where the Yankees are!" (The Americans were called Yankees a lot then.)

They hid in the bushes.

The last British soldier was only a yard from where they hid. The British soldiers set up camp and set about resting for the oncoming battle. Paul and Timothy skirted around the edge of the camp in the bushes.

Then, a sentry heard them. He said, "Who's there?! Show yourself!"

They stood stock still. The sentry swung his musket right at Paul, even though he couldn't see him. The musket got stuck in the bush an inch from Paul'a nose. Then a sergeant got up from resting and yelled at the sentry, "Jonathan! Stop playing in the bushes and watch somewhere else!"

Paul and Timothy escaped the camp. When they were going home, Timothy saw wild turkeys. He grabbed a large rock and whipped it at a fat turkey neck. Wham-Crack! The turkey's neck snapped. 
"Hunting trip, success!"  said Timothy.  

That night, the Baers and Kilijacksons had a good meal of turkey cabbage carrot soup.

(assignment for Lesson #16 of Polliwog Writing Lessons)

If you are between the ages of 4-12,
(or know someone who likes to write stories)
I would like to post your story here.
Send me an email. I'd love to read your story!
Wiggles the Polliwog


  1. I like this story, Elias! Lots of good descriptions.
    I felt like I was there. Very nice job. Keep writing!


  2. Wow, those boys must have been scared! I'm glad they had success hunting after all and didn't get caught! Good story! Edna Dodge


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