The Mighty Spy Adventure

The Mighty Spy Adventure
Hannah Cole
(age 12)

One day there were the Sneaky Spies and the Mighty Dogs. The Mighty Dogs wanted to send a letter to their master Mighty Pup, but when they sent it, the Sneaky Spies took it and brought it to their secret cave where their master Spy Guy lived.

Spy Guy read the letter that said, "We need to catch the Sneaky Spies and put them in jail." They found out the Mighty Dogs were out to get him and his group.

They starting running and ran far away to a little town called Lollipop. The Sneaky Spies and Spy Guy were poor because they left all the stuff in their secret cave. So they starved and got dehydrated, and they turned themselves in because they needed food or they would die.

When they turned themselves in, they teamed up with the Mighty Dogs and wnet after this group called the Hard RockDogs that had stolen all the Sneaky Spies' diamonds and gold and silver. They went out to the Purple Sand Dessert and looked all around and found the Hard Rock Dogs. They caught the Hard Rock Dogs and brought them to jail.

After ten years of jail, the Hard Rock Dogs smartened up and gave back all the stuff they had stolen.

(assignment for Lesson #2)

If you are between the ages of 4-12,
(or know someone who likes to write stories)
I would like to post your story here.
Send me an email. I'd love to read your story!
Wiggles the Polliwog

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