Tiny Hero (part 2)

DJ McKenzie
(age 12)

(Click Here for Part One)

So one day when his mom and dad were gone, Nibbles sneaked out of his bedroom and out of the house. He made his way through the wood and came to the house. Wally and another old man were playing horseshoes. Nibbles walked up to Wally and made a squeak.

Wally looked down and said, “Hello, little mouse. This is my brother Harold. Harold, this is the mouse I told you about.”

“Ew gross! A mouse!” Harold screamed.

“He’s not gross. He’s my little friend,” said Wally.

“Well, make sure he doesn’t come too close,” Harold said. “I don’t want rabies.” Nibbles didn’t know what rabies was, but it sounded terrible.

“Oh, little mouse,” Wally started. “My grandchildren are coming to visit me, so you’ll have some more people to play with,”

Nibbles was very happy that he would have some playful kids to play with. On his way home he tried to think of games he could play with the kids. When he got home no one was there, so he went upstairs and pulled out a sheet of paper and started writing down game ideas. He was almost finished when he heard the door open, and his dad coming upstairs. He had to hide his picture so his dad wouldn’t find it, so he hid it under his pillow.

Unfortunately it was his mom, not his dad, and she was carrying new sheets for Nibbles’s bed. “Here are some new sheets for your bed,” his mom said. “We need to take your pillow and old sheets off.”
Nibbles quickly ran over to his bed and picked up his pillow and the picture. “Let’s get started,” he said.

The next day Nibbles headed off towards Wally’s house, with the sheet of paper he drew the night before. He reached the house and saw two kids riding bikes on the driveway. The boy wore a black t-shirt, blue shorts, and sunglasses. The girl wore a pink shirt, pink skirt, and pink sunglasses. They both looked very mean, but Nibbles had a motto- Don’t judge a book by its cover.

So Nibbles ran towards them ready to play, but when he got there, the girl shrieked. “EW! A MOUSE!” The boy ran to the garage and came out with a baseball bat. He ran towards Nibbles and swung the bat. Nibbles dodged the bat and ran towards the woods. The kids followed him, and when he got back to the village he ran into his house, up to his room, and shut the door.

 A moment later he looked out his window. He saw the boy swinging the bat at another mouse. Luckily he missed. Nibbles was thinking to himself, that since he had led the kids, here he would have to scare them away.

He ran outside just as a warrior mouse was about to throw a spear at the boy. Nibbles knocked the warrior over stopping him from throwing the spear.

“What are you doing?” the warrior said. “I had a clear shot.”

“We don’t want to hurt them,” Nibbles said.

 “Then how are we going to stop them?” the warrior questioned.

“We need to scare them!”

The rest of the day was pretty miserable, because the kids had destroyed a lot of the village. Nibbles told his dad that they needed to tell the mice not to hurt them. They just needed to scare them. Nibbles dad agreed that this was the best idea, so that evening Nibbles came up with a plan, and told everyone. The only problem was nobody ever listened to Nibbles, so Nibbles told them that it was his dad’s plan.


The next day all the mice went to the house. The two kids were blowing up army men with fire crackers. Nibbles walked out from behind a bush and over towards the kids. The kids looked up. “Hey, it’s that mouse that we attacked yesterday,” the boy said. “How dare he come back?” They started running towards Nibbles. Nibbles started running. When he reached the tree line, two warrior mice passed him and ran towards the kids and ran up their legs.

“AH! They’re climbing on us!” the girl said. “EW run!”

The mice fell off as the kids ran back to the house and grabbed some fire crackers. Nibbles was not expecting the kids to have fire crackers, so he had no idea what to do. Nibbles thought of something. “You two, go climb that tree. When I tell you, drop on their heads. You four, go along the tree line and find as many acorns as you can. And you-“

“Whoa! Hold it! Who said you were in charge?” a warrior interrupted.

“I did,” Nibbles’s dad said. “Nibbles keep going.”

Nibbles continued. “You two, we need some time go distract them.”

When the distracters left, they were chased by the kids for a few minutes, and then the kids gave up. By that time the ones gathering acorns got back. The kids started running back, and when they got there, Nibbles yelled out, “ACORNS!”

With that, the mice let go of their acorns and they went flying.

The kids yelled out, “Hey!”

The acorns didn’t stop them, but they slowed them down. Then Nibbles yelled, “JUMP!” and the mice jumped out of the trees and landed on the kids’ heads. The kids tried to get them off, but they couldn’t. Then all of the mice ran out of the woods towards the kids. The kids screamed and ran back to the house.

Back at the mouse village, they had a big feast in honor of Nibbles. The next day Nibbles and his dad walked to the house just in time to see the kids leaving. “Good job, son. You saved us”. 

                                                                               THE END                                      

(Assignment for Lesson #3 - Verbs)

If you are between the ages of 4-12,
(or know someone who likes to write stories)
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Wiggles the Polliwog

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