The Alpha Squad

DJ McKenzie
(age 12)

Hello! My name is Alpha. I’m a dog, and I’m going to tell you a story about me.

When I was just a puppy, I lived in a big white house, owned by the Mcfowler family. They had three dogs. One was a German shepherd named Dex, and the other was a foxhound named Bruiser. And then there was me, a very lively Jack Russel. I was the leader of them all—hence the name Alpha.

One day there was a fire at the house. Everyone got out except for me. I was in the fire, and I couldn’t get out. I found a small hole in one side of the house, but it was too small for me. I heard sirens blaring outside. I needed to get out. I finally found a hole big enough for me, but right as I was starting to run towards it, a big beam fell from the ceiling, and barely missed me. I ran out the hole, and unfortunately it was very slippery outside, and I slipped right into a river in the back yard. I tried to swim, but the water was rushing too fast.

I finally hit dry land, but I had no idea where I was, so I started to follow the river back the way I came. It was a little hard, because the river had a few sharp rocks, which cut my legs. I came to a part in the river that split into two different ways. I didn’t remember which one I came from, so I just had to guess. I chose the one on the right and started walking.

A few hours went past, and I was getting tired. But before I could lie down, I saw someone, it was a man, and he was coming towards me. I tried to run, but my legs were too sore. The man reached me and said, “Poor little pooch, you’re all scratched up. I’ll take you to the Lost and Found Pet Store.”
With that he picked me up and started walking. I didn’t know what he meant by, “Lost and Found Pet Store,” but it didn’t sound that great.

A few minutes later we approached a big pink building with a blue roof and a sign that I couldn’t read. We entered the building and came to a desk. There was a woman with a chihuahua next to us.
“How did you get here, amigo?” the chihuahua asked with a Spanish accent.

“My owner’s house burned down, and I slipped into a river, and washed up near somewhere, and started walking, and this man brought me here,” I told him.

“Oh. I was chasing a bunny and got lost,” the chihuahua said. “My name is Chimicanga. What’s yours?”

“I’m Alpha.”

Three days went past and Chimichanga and I became best friends.


One day two new dogs came, and guess who they were. Yep, Dex and Bruiser. “What happened guys?” I said.

They were all surprised to see each other, and before long Dex started talking.

“The Mcfowlers are now living in a small house, and they can’t afford to have us there, so they gave us away. We escaped from our new owners, and someone brought us here.”

I introduced them to Chimichanga. We were there a few more days, when a man came with his son and said,

“My son wants the two smallest ones you have.”

I didn’t like the sound of that, because Chimichanga and I were the smallest ones.

“There, those two,” the man.

So they took us out of our cages, put us in a bigger cage, and brought us out to their car. I was very mad, because Dex and Bruiser had just gotten there, and now I would never see them again—or would I?

We reached our new home. I thought it was too big, but that was a good thing because Chimichanga and I had made a plan to rescue Dex and Bruiser from the Lost and Found Pet Shop. We just needed to see the inside of the house so we could find a way to escape. It actually wasn’t very hard to escape because they had a doggy door, but they had a fence, so it would be a little harder than we thought. And another unfortunate thing—they had a cat, and we had a strong hunch that he wouldn’t let us leave.

Two nights passed, and we still couldn’t think of a plan to get past the cat. Then we found out that the cat had a vet appointment that day and we were staying at the house, alone. It was perfect.

When the humans and the cat left, we ran through the doggy door and out onto the front lawn. Then we found out that they had two cats. So we decided we would just have a talk with the other cat.
“Hello, mind if we jump over your fence?” I said.

“No, don’t mind at all. Of course I mind. Do you think I’m just going to let you leave?” the cat responded. “May I ask you your names?”

“How do we know we can trust you?” Chimichanga asked.

“Oh you can’t trust me at all.” Just then five other cats surrounded us. “You’re not going anywhere.”

“Split up!” I yelled.

 Chimichanga and I went in two different directions. We met up on the other side of the house, and quickly came up with a plan. The cats came around the corner of the house, and once again, Chimichanga and I split up and went separate ways.

This went on for quite a while, but finally, the cats ran out of stamina. The gate in the fence was barred, and the bars were spread apart enough for us to get through.

We had gotten through the gate and were on our way to the Lost and Found Pet Shop when we saw a car we recognized. It was our new owner’s car.

“Daddy, aren’t those the dogs we just got the other day?” the boy said out the window.

“Yes they are! We need to catch them, before they get away!”

The car turned around and started towards us.

“We need to scat.” I announced to Chimichanga

We began running, and before we knew it, we were at the pet shop. But the car was not far behind, so we needed to act fast. Chimichanga looked back to see where the car was. Luckily, the car had been pulled over by a police car, probably for speeding, so we had plenty of time.

 I walked up to the door and gave a howl. A man came to the door as I hid. He looked out, and before he knew it, he was on the ground. Chimichanga and I had tripped him. We ran past him and into the pet shop. We entered the room where all the cages were. We looked around and found Dex and Bruisers cages. We ran up to them, and tried to open the cages, and we succeeded. Dex and Bruiser were very happy to see us, but we needed to get out of there.

Just then the man we had tripped approached the room, he looked angry, very angry. We ran forward and tripped him again and got out of the pet shop. We couldn’t go back to the house because the cats would be there, and they would not be happy. But while we were running, we saw something. The cats! We were now surrounded by them, and there was only one thing to do—we needed to fight them! One of the cats ran at me. I barked and showed my teeth. The cat stopped, and backed up slowly.

“You coward, get back in there!” the alpha cat commanded. As he pushed the other cat back towards me, I nipped at him and he ran away. All the other cats started towards, me but Dex jumped in front of me and gave a loud bark. All the cats ran except for the alpha cat. He stayed where he was, not realizing that he was in the middle of the road. A car came around the corner, and was headed right for the cat!

Now I hate cats, but I hate to see any animal hit by a car. I ran towards the cat. He hissed at me, but I didn’t stop. I reached him when the car was only inches away. I pushed him off the road and jumped, the car hit my leg, I cried out in pain, and hit the ground. Just as that happened, our new owners came, and put me in their car. They took me to the vet. The vet put a cast on and said that I should keep it on for about four weeks. Until then I wouldn’t de able around or anything like that.

The cat told us his name was Marshal, and we became friends. Our new owners bought Dex and Bruiser, and we were all together now, and we were happy. My leg healed, and I was able to go back to regular activities. We named ourselves The Alpha Squad.

                                                                               THE END

(Assignmet #4 of Polliwog Writing Lessons - Adjectives)

If you are between the ages of 4-12,
(or know someone who likes to write stories)
I would like to post your story here.
Send me an email. I'd love to read your story!
Wiggles the Polliwog

1 comment:

  1. I like this story because it's exiting and…whoever knew cats and dogs could be friends? :)


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