Lab Rat (chap 4)

Elias Cooper
(age 11)

(click here for previous chapters)

Chapter 4

Jaden, Caleb, and Maya

“Every super-villain needs a head-quarters. I think mine is awesome,”  Jasper said to no one in particular. He lounged in a room he had made in the sewer tunnels. The room was about 10 feet across and 9 feet high.He had washed the room  and disposed of the garbage. The room was carved in a wall on the side of the sewer tunnels. “This is the best room ever.” he repeated to Hybucha. Hybucha just stretched out on the rug (Yes, there was a rug. Awesome, right?). 

Then all of the sudden there was a knock on the door(Yeah. He had a door). “Gear up, guys.” The rats obeyed and got into position. Jasper opened the door and threw his hardest punch. A black haired girl about his age bent over backwards to avoid the blow. A young boy of about nine with black hair yelped and ran back a couple feet. “BRO!” he shouted. “Chill, chill. Chill. Chill.” 

The girl, who had fallen over, got back up. “We come in peace.” 

Jasper looked at her suspiciously. “Peace. P-E-A-C-E. Peace.” 

“I know what peace is and how to spell it!” Jasper snarled. “Now what’d ya want?” 

“We want to join you.” The girl said simply. 

“In what?” Jasper asked. 

“Listen, bub! You and the Hero Pair aren’t the only lab rats around here.” she paused to smile at her own joke. “Heh. Get it? Lab rat? Hahaha. Well, anyway, we know about the whole communist blah-de-blah-de-blah-blah-blah. So can we join you?”

Jasper shrugged. “I guess. But, to make sure you’re not spies...lie detector scan!” He smiled happily at the thought of using a lie detector.

  An hour later, when he was satisfied that they were not enemies, Jasper said, “Welcome to the newly formed team!” Then there was a knock on the door. Jasper opened it. 

A red haired boy who looked to be in his early teen years stood in the doorway. “Can I join you?”
The boy’s name was “Sonic Hammer” because he had a hammer that had sonic booms in it. The girl and boy who had come first were Arsiel and Flaming Fire. Everyone told  that “Flaming Fire” was repetitive but Flaming Fire stuck his tongue out and said “no” every time they said “change your name”.  Arsiel had archery powers but she couldn’t think up any good name so she called herself something cool. Flaming Fire could make things burst into flame and guid fire balls he shot with his mind.
“What’re your names? I’m Jasper,” Jasper said. “Caleb Malcom Zeb Sword Master the Third.” Sonic Hammer said. “So I’m Caleb.” “I’m Maya.” said Arsiel. “I’m Jaden,” said Flaming Fire. You could tell that Jaden and Maya were siblings. They had the same black hair and olive skin. Maya was twelve, Jaden was ten, and Caleb was fourteen. 

Jasper was dismayed that he was the second youngest. He suspected that Caleb or Maya would try and wrest his position as leader from him. But that didn’t happen. In fact, Caleb said, “What’d we do now? You’re the expert on “super-villainy.” He air quoted the word “super-villainy” with his fingers.

“I’ll tell you what we do.” said Jasper. “Now here’s the plan….”
(to be continued)

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Wiggles the Polliwog

1 comment:

  1. This is absolutely amazing! I can't get enough of it!!!


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