Lab Rat (Part Five)

Elias Cooper
(age 11)

Chapter 5: Even Numbers

But bad things happened the next day. The newspaper headlines screamed  NEW SUPER-HERO JOINS HERO PAIR!  

Rats.” Jasper said as scanned the headlines. He turned to the others. “A new chap named Drone joined their amazing Highnesses the Hero Pair. He can turn to metal--unbreakable metal--and his hands and feet can turn into guns and cannons with sonic booms in them. Kinda like Caleb. Now people are calling the Hero Pair and Drone the U.S.H or Unbeatable Super-Heroes.” 

“Yuck.” Maya made a face. “That’s a stupid name.”

Caleb said,“But now we don’t out number the Hero Pai--”

You mean USH.” interjected Jaden. “Yeah. But we don’t out number MUSH or NUSH or whatchyamacallit anymore.”

“Yeah,”chimed in Jaden. “Your plan of surrounding them and ganging up on them won’t work anymore.”

Yeah.” Jasper said.

The next day, Maya went out to do intelligence mission. She came back with a tired and defeated face. Maya told them about the WarHawks.The WarHawks were a group of teenagers who had gotten SPP treatment as well. They believed in a communist government too. They just disagreed on who should rule.

“This is bad news.” Jasper said.

“Yeah.” Maya agreed. “The first JB is Electra. She has electric knives and can turn into pure electricity and shoot electricity and make electric shields. The second one is Frankenstein. In spite of the name, he looks like a big black Hulk.  Then there’s Terra. She can control the dirt and mud, like, make a dirt geyser that can blast you into space. Terra means earth in Latin. Then Windwhip. She can turn into wind and control wind. Her punches have the force of the worst windstorm behind them. Then last but not least, Alpha.  Except he communicates  with wolves but has no super strength.  He can crawl up any surface that’s solid. So all in all…we got a big fight on our hands.”

(to be continued)

(Original and Unedited)

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Wiggles the Polliwog

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