The Striped Spider

The Striped Spider
Samantha Wiley
(age 8)

Once there was a striped spider.  It had pink, and purple stripes.  It lived in a river that flowed fast.  The spider’s name was Sharlet.  The trip to the ocean was very long.  It made a house out of sticks that looked like the sand it was walking on so they wouldn’t see her stripes and a bird wouldn’t eat her.  She met a couple of friends along the way.  She met a bird.  His name was Jason.  Jason went on the journey to the ocean with her.  He flew above that house that the spider made to make sure it was safe and chirped loudly at whoever wanted to pick it up.  Isn’t Jason funny?  

Sharlet and Jason met another friend.  She also was a bird.  Her name was Emily.  She was a seagull.  Whenever she saw a fish, she would fly towards it and catch it.  Emily would catch food for her, Jason, and Sharlet in case they run out of food.  They walked along the river.  The end of the river wasn’t long from the ocean.  Sharlet created a web across the river and the ocean to separate them.  So, they settled down there for the night.  That night a whale got caught by the web and wriggled about, and that broke the web.  

In the morning Sharlet found the whale wriggling in the water with the web around it.  Sharlet went into the salty water and tried to get the sticky web off the whale.  Sharlet helped the whale by pulling him out of the water onto land and took the sticky, wet web off of him.  Then Sharlet, Jason, and Emily pushed the whale back into the river.  They all made friends.  The whale’s name was Trenton.  They all lived happily ever after catching fish in the webs Sharlet made and eating them at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. 

The End

(assignment for Lesson #2 - Main Character)

If you are between the ages of 4-12,
(or know someone who likes to write stories)
I would like to post your story here.
Send me an email. I'd love to read your story!
Wiggles the Polliwog

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