Mr. Dog Saves Dan

Mr. Dog Saves Dan 
Jayse Bickel
(age 10)

Once upon a time by a mountain stream, there was a tiny field mouse, who went by the name of Dan. One day while he was taking a walk by the stream, he met MrBobcat who was out hunting for his supper that evening. 

Then Mr. Bobcat heard Dan talking to himself. "Hmm, I could do with a bit of cheese with nuts with some mint tea." and "Oh, there's Mr. Bobcat. Wait a minute. What is he doing? He seems to be stalking something. I wonder who it is? Ahh, don't eat me! "

"Oh, I will," says Mr. Bobcat,"I didn't have lunch yet, so I'm going to eat you." 

"Wait, before you eat me, let me play you a song.

What Mr. Bob did not know was that Dan met Mr. Dog on his walk and was close by. So Dan pulled out his reed flute and began to play as loudly as he could, so Mr. Dog could hear. 

Mr. Dog did hear and he came running as fast as he could go. Mr. Dog leaped on Mr. Bobcat. And pinned him to the ground. Don't you ever do that again especially to nice respectable mice? Ok, won't just let me go your sitting on my tail. Fine all let you go but if I or any of my friends  

 "Thank you," said Dan. "Mr. Dog, I almost didn't get away.          


(assignment for Writing Lesson #3 - verbs)

If you are between the ages of 4-12,
(or know someone who likes to write stories)
I would like to post your story here.
Send me an email. I'd love to read your story!
Wiggles the Polliwog

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