The Close Shave

The Close Shave
Jayse Bickel
(age 10)

Once upon a time, there was a weedy lake, and in the lake lived a frog who was called Fred. He lived in a nice cozy little hole in the bank. As he was taking a nap one summer day, he heard a knock at his door.

"Who is it?"

"It's Mister Squirrel. I have some news for you. Your cousin Toad is coming, but he doesn't know Mr.Heron is in town. He might get eaten!"

"I'll go meet him at the river bridge right away," said. Fred." So Fred hopped to the river bridge. On his way, he met Mr. Perch.

"Better swim into deeper water, Mr. Perch. Mr. Heron is coming!"

"Okay, thanks, Fred. I'll warn my family." As Fred began to see the bridge, he saw something tall and blue beside it. 

"Oh no, it's Mr. Heron! I hope Toad isn't eaten yet!" Fred said to himself. Just as he went around the next curve, he saw his cousin Toad hopping as fast as his stubby legs could go. 

"Oh help, Fred! I am being chased by Mr. Heron. He's going to eat me!"

"Oh, no! Quick, Toad, come with me to my house!" Once they got in, they shut and barred the door. Fred said, "All right, Toad, tell me about your journey. 

"Once I left my pond, all was good until I tripped and fell into the pond. I fell right on top of Mrs. Pike, who was guarding newly hatched eggs. She must of that I was a little thieving fish because she started chasing me, but I out-swam her. And that was close. Phew! I swam the whole pond. which brought me to the river bridge. And you know the rest of the story."  

The End

(Assignment for Writing Lesson #4 - Adjectives)

If you are between the ages of 4-12,
(or know someone who likes to write stories)
I would like to post your story here.
Send me an email. I'd love to read your story!
Wiggles the Polliwog

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