Kate's Wish

"Kate's Wish" 
Brooke Bickel
(age 12)

Once there was a twelve-year-old girl named Jade Kylee Julie Kate Stevens, but people just called her Kate for short. Kate lived in Aplalachicola, Florida, in a small, boring, brown house with blue shutters. The last house on her street. She was the only girl on her road as far as she knew. Nothing exciting ever happened on her street. It was very lonely.

The only friend she had was Veggie. He was her sandy colored cat. She named him Veggie because she wanted the name to be unique, because he was unique. Veggie liked to play outside with Kate in the large, fenced in, bare, one giant climbing tree backyard. Veggie also like to splash in puddles, but not get completely soaked.

Kate's backyard was not much to look at, but to her, it was the start of many adventures. She liked to pretend that she was an explorer in the jungle searching for long lost temple treasure. Or a famous pirate name Emma the Fearsome. Or Princess Amelia trapped in her tower.

Her backyard was a great place to play, nonetheless, it needed some work. Kate had an idea! She would fix up her backyard. She thought she could plant a garden, put up a swing and a slide. the only proble was when she counted her money, she only had $2.05. Seed packets were $.10, but she also needed money for her swing. She had another idea, she could earn some more money doing jobs for people on her street.

Kate started at her end of the road and worked her way down. Mr. Jones said she could mow the lawn, and Mrs. Brown said she could organize her kitchen.

Near the middle of her road, she rang the doorbell and was amazed at who answered the door. It was another girl her same age. They were both speechless for a minute. Then the girl introduced herself. "Hi, my name is Lily. I just moved here. What's your name?"

"M- my name is Jade, but everyone calls me Kate. I thought I was the only girl on the street!"

(Kate had been in Maine last week, visiting her grandma. Otherwise, she would have noticed a moving van.)

"My family just moved here, and I thought I was the only girl on the street," said Lily.

"Do you want to come over to my house tomorrow and play?" Jade asked.

"I have to finish unpacking my room."

"Okay, I live in house number 77, in the brown house with the blue shutters. See you later!"

The next day, Lily came over to Kate's house, and Kate told her about her dream to fix up her backyard. Lily said that she had $5.00. "That brings the total to $7.05. If you and I both do jobs, we might even have enough money for two swings!" Kate said.

If you are between the ages of 4-12,
(or know someone who likes to write stories)
I would like to post your story here.
Send me an email. I'd love to read your story!
Wiggles the Polliwog


  1. Wow, this was really good! I actually want to know more about Kate now!!


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