"Builder Quests" Game

Builder Quests

 Eliot Webber (age 7)

Goal: Complete 3 quests and cross the finish line.

How to play:

First, make the Lego board. You will need chests, red bricks for lava, blue bricks for water, grey bricks for metal and stone, brown and green bricks for dirt and grass, gold studs for gold coins, see-through cylinders for diamonds, random bricks for building structures like a house, fort, and bridges, a selection of tools and weapons, brown and green pieces for trees, pieces to build an end gate with flags and banners, mini figures for playing pieces (people with jobs like farmers or construction workers), and you will need three dice, and extra pieces for digging, mining, or chopping. 

How to set up your board

Start by putting together your red, grey, and blue bricks to build bridges and baseplates. Make a lavafall or waterfall over grey bricks. Put figures at the start of the game board (players from youngest to oldest). Set up your board with structures, paths, and forests. Make the boards about the size of a bench and feel free to add many custom features. (Mom note: this part made me laugh because, we kept struggling to move his game off the table to the bench for meals because it was too big. So don't make it 

bigger than the bench ) Spread the chests (which contain the gold coins, tools, and weapons) over the whole course.

How to start:
Youngest player goes first. Roll the three dice. In your turn you may ...
Move the number of spaces on the dice, or
1. Dig, mine, or chop for bricks, or
2. Open a chest and collect one piece (must be right in front of the chest and the opening is equal to one dot), or
3. Build a structure.
The next oldest gets the next turn.

How the game ends:
The first person to complete three quests and crosses the finish line wins. 

The quests are:
1. Collect 5 gold coins (coins can be found in chests or one coin is earned if your player lands on another player)
2. Dig, mine, or chop 20 bricks
3. Build a structure (house, bridge,...etc.)
4. Collect three tools or weapons
5. Roll the dice and get all three numbers the same (like 555)

Other rules:
Structures can be built to block other players.

You can only dig, mine, or chop for bricks on places that would make sense, (for instance, you can't mine on a metal bridge).

If you own a tool, when you choose to dig, mine, or chop bricks, the number of bricks you earn is equal to the number rolled on the three dice. If you do not own a tool, the number is half the dice.

Have fun!

(Original and Dictated to His Mother)

If you are between the ages of 4-12,
(or know someone who likes to write stories)
I would like to post your story here.
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Wiggles the Polliwog

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