Barney's Adventure

Barney's Adventure
written and illustrated
Aravis Epley (age 6)

Once upon a time there was a puppy dog named Barney. Barney's mom said "Don't go into the forest where the bears are." Barney had a twin sister named Maria. She heard what Mother said, too.

Two nights later, Barney and Maria forgot what their mother said. They said, "Mother, we're going to play outside for a little while."While they were outside, they noticed a bunch of trees. It was the forest.

Barney said, "Let's go explore." But his sister said, "I don't think we should. It's dark in there."Barney went in anyway, so Maria followed.They were having a good time exploring until they heard Boom, Boom, Boom, footsteps.The next thing they knew, a giant brown fur ball appeared. It was a bear! Barney and Maria were scared of the bear until they saw the little fur ball behind the bear. 

"Mama! Strangers!" the little bear cub cried, scared. The mommy bear turned around. She looked at the two dogs and growled. "Oh, what a great supper today," she said.

The dogs started to run and Barney started to howl.

The mommy bear shouted at them, "Hey, come back here! We're going to have supper!"

The puppy dogs reached the edge of the forest. Their mom heard Barney howling. She said, "There you are!" Then the mommy bear came through the trees.Barney's mom said, "I told you not to go into the forest."

Suddenly, another bigger dog ran out of the house. It was Daddy Dog! He had heard Barney howling and had come to investigate. When Daddy Dog saw the bears, he ran back into the house to get his guns. When the bears saw Daddy Dog aim at them with his guns, they ran back into the forest.

Barney and Maria ran into the house and hid under the kitchen table. They didn't come out until Daddy Dog came back inside with his guns.

And from that day on, Barney and Maria made sure to listen to their mother.

The End

(Dictated to her Mother) 

If you are between the ages of 4-12,
(or know someone who likes to write stories)
I would like to post your story here.
Send me an email. I'd love to read your story!
Wiggles the Polliwog

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