History Wonders

History Wonders 
Eliot Webber (age 8)

Once upon a time there was a ship. This ship was carrying cargo to another land far away. The Great Titan was carrying gold! Pirate Jones was the captain of the Great Titan. He had golden buttons on his vest. He had a slash around his golden t-shirt. More golden buttons were on his hat, which also had a white feather. And there were cannons on the Great Titan!

One of the sailors, named Johnson, saw something unusual in the water. It was black and gray and a little reddish. It had at what looked like long tentacles. He also saw something that looked like fireflies in the water. Then there was a little dot between the firefly circles. And then the tentacles came nearer and the lights came nearer. They came nearer and nearer, closer and closer. Then the tentacles got out of the water. Then the tentacles almost smashed the ship, sending the crew to Davy Jones’s locker!

The colossal destroyer was a giant squid with red eyes. Its beak was orange, and it had frightening glowing suction cups. It was 60 feet from head to the end of its tentacles. It was as big as a blue whale, dangerous and ferocious, as tall as half of a skyscraper.

Johnson and Jason were two American rescuers that grew up together in a church. They wore sapphire helmets and golden armor. They were sent to help the cargo ship get out of danger. They were trying to get the cargo ship from America to Germany.

Captain Jones was the captain of the Great Titan. He wore a blue vest, with a white collar around his neck and golden shoes. He had blue and black curly hair and light skin. He was a good man - happy, young, and strong. He served in the army before he became a captain.

Jonathan was a crew mate on the ship. He was very strong, with brown eyes and dark skin. He was happy as he got on to the boat. He also served in the military before he became a crew mate on the ship.

This was in 1955, just as the Vietnam War was beginning. The rescue boat had a life preserver in it. And it had a couple of weapons. The boat drifted away from America in a storm. There was a golden treasure chest in the ship that had gold and sapphire in it. They were bringing the chest from America to Germany, but nobody knew for sure what was inside of it.

The ship had a big pole with cool signs on the flag. It had five rooms on the wooden ship. There were crates of food on board, and jugs and jugs of water. And each bedroom had a toilet and a sink. And there was a part of the ship that had a little compartment that had the golden treasure chest. The Great Titan was huge sailboat, but they invented a motor that made it go faster.

It was a dangerous night. You could barely see through the fog. On the ship there were five people: Captain Jones, Jonathan, two crew mates, and one Chinese prisoner. They were sailing to America to bring some packages and put their bad guy in prison. They heard a little beep coming from something under the water. Then a sub surfaced very quickly, hitting the ship right in the front. It came up and up, sinking the ship in only an hour. The crew had no chance. The crew mates got out of the ship and into the sub where it was silent.

A man came up to them. He was very stern. The man threw them in a prison with metal walls from head to toe. They saw him talking about something, but they didn’t know what he was talking about. The books on the sub had something inside of them that nobody would tell them about. But the captain knew what was in them. It was a bright light that would shine from ocean to ocean.

Jonathan tried to escape from the metal prison. Bang! He bumped into the wall and fell. The other crew mates didn’t what caused Jonathan not answer. Jonathan saw in his dream a weird person that had green skin. He told Jonathan that his skin was not really green. He said that he put mushed leaves on his skin. After that his dream disappeared. A dog and a man came in the room and gave them one chance to do whatever he said.

It was a stormy night again. The five people, except for the Chinese prisoner, went up and tried to raise the flag. On the second morning, it was sunny. It was a tiny bit windy. They raised the flag. You could barely see Germany. Jason saw a person in the water in a tiny boat. It came closer and closer. Then they figured that it was Captain Jones! Then they let him on the ship. Then Captain Jones was the captain of the ship.

There was a new sailor that comes onto Captain Jones’s new ship. The lonely sailor came to the Vietnam War, and he drove a camouflage tank. He became the second captain on Captain Jones’s ship.

When they thought about the Vietnam War, they had an idea. Their idea was that they could put tiny boats in the water and send them out to help the American side of the war. They were having a bit of a party on the ship. They were having chocolates and everything you could wish. They were sending people on the tiny boats. The biggest boat they sent had a tank on it that said “405B” on its side. In that tank there was a bunch of controls. There was one army dog with five people on the biggest ship.

In the Vietnam War, there would be terrors on every corner. There would be shooting and people knocking down walls and tanks driving over trees. At the emergency base, there were ten jails and five people in the jails.There was one sloppy cat that would sit around and drink milk. Every day there would be a soldier that would have to feed the cat. Sometimes that cat would go to the tank and go “Meow” every time the tank would fire.

(to be continued)

(dictated to his mother, age 7, for Writing Challenge)

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Wiggles the Polliwog

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