Temujin and Borte

Temujin and Borte

Written and Read
Caylyn R. Colburn
(age 11)

Long ago, far away
For two people, twas a special day.
Nine-year old Temujin was meeting his wife-
To-be for the very first time in his life!

Her name was Borte, she was near his age.
At least that's what I heard from the local sage.
Several years passed, then Temujin came
And asked Borte's father to give him his dame.

Borte gave a delighted sigh,
Her family said goodbye,
As away they went riding.
Borte's eyes brightly shining!

Poor Borte! This way it could not stay,
For an enemy tribe kidnapped her one day,
And took the poor dear far away.

O Borte! She feared and she hoped,
She poked and she moped!
Until, one night, as she lay
In the dead of night, she heard someone say,

"Where is Borte? We are under attack!"
Then someone came in with a sack.
"Get into the cart . . . it's outside. Hurry!"
Then out they went in a hurried flurry.

Into the cart they leaped,
All crowded together and heaped,
(There were other people in the cart,
Most were cowards on their part.)

When Borte heard a lot of noise
And recognized her husband's voice
Calling her name. O how sweet it sounded!
And out of the cart she bounded!

On she rain, into the fray,
As over and over Temujin would say,
"Borte! Borte! I am here!"
Oh, How sweet those sounds to hear!

She found his horse and
Grasped the reigns and
He looked down. In a moment
They were in each others' arms,
Free from all cares, fears and alarms.

And Borte lived happily
Ever after with Temujin.
This happened in the Middle Ages.
Don't ask me how I know, ask the sages!

(original and self-edited)
Note:  Temujin is more known as Genghis Khan. 

If you are between the ages of 4-12,
(or know someone who likes to write stories)
I would like to post your story here.
Send me an email. I'd love to read your story!
Wiggles the Polliwog

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