The Monster at the End of the Story

THE MONSER of the end of the store 

(wat walle drim)

by Jeremy Blake (age 4)

(translation below)

toDAy it wAs A Gost. It CAMe

Drop Drop sead the water

CLOSE your iees to see it

It was walle today?

Evaaaaaa sead walle

Eva was off toDay! But why? 

Walles skard today? 

AAAAAAA  sead walle!

WallE CHAKT EVAS engene! 

He open evas engen

No skard   He DiD it.

I told je sead Walle! 

Yesterday is GOOD DAY 

ACHO sead Walle

O NO its skard  Hes sPOKy todAy

No No its Not sKArD sead WALLEY

No yor not WaLLey, your WALLe  Opsy!

Good job WaLLe sead Eva

Hapley AFter After 

tHe enD

(original and unedited) 
(translated by Yvonne Blake) 

"The Monster at the End of the Story" 
(What Wall-E Dreamed) 

Today, a ghost came. "Drop, drop," said the water.
Close your eyes to see it. Was it Wall-E? 
"Evaaaaa!" said Wall-E. 
Eva was off today, but why? 
Wall-E was scared today. "Aaaaaaa!" said Wall-E 
Wall-E checked Eva's engine. Wall-E opened Eva's engine. 
He was not scared. He did it! 
"I told ya!" said Wall-E.
Yesterday was a good day.
"Achoo!" said Wall-E.
O no! It's scary today. He's spooky. 
"No, no, it's not scary," said Wall Eye.
"You're not Wall Eye, you're Wall-E!"
"Good job, Wall-E" said Eva.

If you are between the ages of 4-12,
(or know someone who likes to write stories)
I would like to post your story here.
Send me an email. I'd love to read your story!
Wiggles the Polliwog

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