The Elf Home

The Elf home 
Kenzi Meserve
(age 8) 

BOOM! BOOM! There was a storm in Elf City.

Mom! Mom! Said Elfie. There is thunder.

"It is ok" said Mama Elf. Let's go watch TV it will make you feel better.

When they were watching tv they saw lightning and then it struck a tree and the tree fell on a power line. Then the elf's tv turned off. 

Help Help! said Elfie.

It's ok said Mom Elf It's ok the power just went off. We can do something else like hide and seek in the dark. 

Won't it be hard to find asked Elfie?

It will be fun because you can hide in the dark and nobody will be able to see you.

But who will count said Elfie?

I will count said Mom Elf. Ok - go hide - 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10- ready or not here I come.

Then she started looking for him - she looked behind the couch and behind the tv - she looked under the bed and then out of the darkness Elfie yelled BOOOOOO! 

AHHHHH - Mom Elf screamed - you scared me!

HaHaHa laughed Elfie. 

What should we do next said Mom Elf? We should read a bedtime book.

Let's read my favorite story said Elfie "Goodnight Fox!" 

Ok said Mom Elf.

They read the story and Mom Elf said it is time for bed Elfie.

Ok Mom said Elfie and they both fell asleep happily ever after. 

The End

(original and self-edited) 

If you are between the ages of 4-12,
(or know someone who likes to write stories)
I would like to post your story here.
Send me an email. I'd love to read your story!
Wiggles the Polliwog

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