The Bee Adventure


Maddie Phillips, age 10)

Once upon a time there was a little girl named Natalie. She was at
home as usuall and bored . So she called up her best friend Emiley and asked her to go on a walk. Emiley said yes I would love to.

As they were walking they saw some beatufull wild flowers and stop to pick some. As they leaned down to pick some a big bee came flying out and started chasing them. They were running as fast as they could . They ran all the way to town and lost the bee .

So they each looked in there pockets and pulled out 5 dollars so they put it together and had 10 dollars. So they went to McDonalds for lunch and Dairy Queen for dessert . Then they said that they better start walking home.

When they got home later that night Natalie called Emiley and said thank you so much for going with me I had the best time in my life!!!

(original and unedited)


  1. I love your story, Maddy. Keep writing, okay? You'll get better and better the more you do. I am very, very proud of you!

  2. I enjoyed tagging along with these two little girls on their adventure with the flowers, the bee, McDonalds and Dairy Queen. Thanks, Maddie. Keep writing!

  3. What a lovely story! Great job, Maddie!

  4. Oh my goodness! This brought back a childhood memory of mine when I sat on a ground hornets nest and me and my neighbor ran all the way home getting stung the whole way! I got stung 23 times, she only got stung 9. So not fair. :( This was 2 days before I was supposed to start 1st grade so I missed the whole first week of school. Wish I could've had McDonalds and Dairy Queen while I sat around waiting for the bee stings to heal. ;)

    So cool to see your story here, Maddie. Good job!

    ♥ Mari


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