"I'm Not Sure"

I'm Not Sure
Eileen Armstrong (age 9)

I’m not sure that spring has come.
I see no flowers around me yet I see green grass.
I’m not sure that spring has come.
I see no squirrels jumping about yet I here them chatter.
I’m not sure that spring has come.
I see no birds flying around yet I here them chirping.
I’m not sure that spring has come.
I see no apples on the tree yet I see leaves.
I’m not sure that spring has come.

(original and unedited)


  1. What a wonderful poem that shows even though you can't see something that doesn't mean it's not there. Besides seeing we can hear things too. I like how you used a repeated line to make your message pop. Very nice!!

  2. Good poem, Eileen! Keep writing!


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