The Escorting Dog

The Escorting Dog

by Landis Beverly
(age 9)

On a small little farm in Nebraska there was a
family who had a dog named Reata. There was
something special about Reata. She had many skills.
She could out run a rabbit. She could catch a bird in
mid flight, But her most amazing skill was escorting.

Every night when we come home from town
Reata is waiting for us a quarter of a mile away. She
Would get ahead of the car and she would just run as
fast as she could. Every time I watch her escort us I
feel like I could just take off with her. When she runs
with the pickup her ears flop up and down, her tail
wags. Whenever I see this I feel that she could fly
and I just want to take off with her.

(original and unedited)


  1. Thanks for sending this to me, Landis. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your stories.

  2. i can just picture that dog running....

  3. Very good story, Landis!
    Keep writing!

  4. Farm dogs are the best! They have room to run, and they protect and love their family. I could just see Reata running with the pickup. Your story took me back to my farm days, watching our dog run with the pickup. Thanks!

  5. What a wonderful story. Thanks for sharing it, Landis!

  6. Dogs always look so happy when they are running! You can tell that they are having the time of their life!


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