The Rescue

The Rescue
by Tiago Lima Jacobsohn
(age 10)

There was this awesome kid and his parents. His parents were the
coolest people of all. There was this evil person who captured
Tiago’s parents. Then Tiago had to get Tiago’s parents back. Tiago
had two light sabers but they were unstable. They could not go and
save them, Tiago had to face alone an army of spiders. But there
were different types of spiders, they were black widows, tarantulas
and sun spiders and they were lead by a scorpion, after defied the
spider master.

The army was hard to fight because, before destroyed. Tiago had ten
lives because he was inside this game. It was nearly impossible to
destroy the sun spider, they circled around the spiders (you have
machine guns, light sabers and swords and you can use the skin of the
spider). And Tiago can defeat the scorpion cutting his tail and claws
and then, throw a grenade. But the scorpion did not die, they fall
asleep (when a person dies, you can come back but they don’t allow you to fight anymore).

But when Tiago blows the ceiling of the facility, place they were,
Tiago sees his parents and got them in the helicopter and fly away.

The end.

(with dictation software, unedited)


  1. You obviously know a lot about spiders, Tiago. Lots of good action. Very good story!

  2. Thank you, Tiago. You are a good story teller.
    Good job! Keep writing!

  3. You have quite an imagination, Tiago. Your story was filled with action and adventure. I especially liked your creativity with all the characters in your story, the spiders, tarantulas, and, of course, the scorpion! Keep writing!

  4. We are very proud of you and your awesome stories!
    We love you!

  5. What a great story! Thanks for telling it to us.

  6. You have a wonderful imagination! Goood job! -- Lori Duffy Foster

  7. Great Story Tiago! can't wait for the sequel! Peter

  8. Parabens Tiago! Estaremos esperando o seu primeiro livro! Queremos o
    autografo do autor, hem! :-)


    -Gustavo, Vanessa, Victoria e Guilherme

  9. Lots of good action Tiago. You have a good imagination. Good job.

  10. Great Tiago! A lot of imagination and I was so happy that you end up to rescue your parents. congratulations! Keep writing. Kisses from your Brazilian friend.


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