The Twister

The Twister
by Tiago Lima Jacobsohn
(age 11)

There once lived a city in the Great Plains in Missouri. People
didn't know what was going on. Some people thought it was getting
dark, like it was night time. But they were wrong. It was just clouds
that were blocking out the sun. Then some person said: "A tornado is
going to happen." But nobody believed him.

Then, the traveler saw clouds spinning really fast. The clouds started going down right beside the city and started becoming two EF6 tornadoes. He told the people again but nobody believed him. The two tornadoes touched down. Everybody agreed with the traveler. As soon as the people were about to leave, the two EF6 tornadoes collided into each other and formed an EF12 tornado. Then, everybody was sucked into obliteration. Only about half the population survived.

When the EF12 tornado left, people started coming back. They found that the people survived! Only one person was injured: the traveler. Then, everybody thanked him. They saved his life, and he saved their lives.The people learned about tornadoes. They built bunkers,warning signs, and everything people have today.

One day, this cloud started spinning again. The tornado started spinning rapidly. A lot of air was sucked up. Even the people were sucked up. Then, they fell back to earth. They fell on a trampoline that can resist anything on the planet. Then, people were OK.

The End. Or is it?

(dictated - 6/7/11 )


  1. What a good story!
    I hope I never see
    a tornado. Good job,
    Tiago! Keep writing!


  2. Wow - such an exciting story! Great writing.

  3. Another great story Tiago, keep writing!

    I hope we read about the "Traveler" again!


  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Hi Tiago, Love your stories and the way you develop and end it. Keep writing! Kisses from Brasil. Angela

  6. Loved you story, Tiago. Kisses from Rio de Janeiro, CecĂ­lia


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