
(Simon conducting
"Death and Transfiguration" by Richard Strauss. )

by Simon Slider
(age 8)

Music makes me happy when I feel sad.
Music is my best, best, best, best, friend.
Music calms me down when I’m bad.
Music is every child’s favorite, favorite, friend.

My favorite composers are R Strauss,
Schubert, Schumann, Scarlatti,
Stravinsky, Saint-Saens, J Strauss,
Scriabin, and Shostakovich.

Their music is beautiful, so lively,
so endless, so magical, so intense,
so exciting, so wonderful,
and all their names start with S.

(original and unedited)


  1. Wow, Simon!
    It's not often I come across
    a young person who loves
    classical music, and is very
    good at writing and poetry!
    Keep up the good work.


  2. I'm so impressed with your love of music and that you are familiar with so many famous composers. AND then I'm amazed at your poetry! What a wonderful poem, and the list of composers with names starting with "S" was so cool! I tip my hat to you!

  3. Super job, Simon! You are SO knowledgeable about music, and have done a great job with your poem. Nicely done!

  4. From one poet to another: Simon, I have great admiration for your knowledge of music and your skill with words. Could I add--I think you're handsome?

  5. God job! I like this a lot. I too love music, and have since I was a child. Do you play any instruments?


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