My Camping Trip

My Camping Trip
Kaelyn Abbott
(age 9)

We left at 1:00. We had burgers for supper. We went swimming and i met a new friend named Joey and he is ten years old.

I felt so excited. We went swimming for like 9 hours. Then we went tubing and everything was good. I was having so much fun and we jumped off at the dock and swam all night.

The next day me and my cousin went tubing. We went under a big big wave and i had to go to the hospital. We wached fiarwerks. We left the next day.

The End

(original and unedited)


  1. What an exciting trip you had! Thanks for sharing it with us.

  2. Wow! You sure had a lot of fun in two days! Thanks for sharing your story.

  3. I liked your story. It sounds like a fun beach trip, except for getting hurt.

  4. I loved reading your exciting story! I hope you write more stories real soon!

  5. What a great story, Kaelyn!
    It sounded like so much fun.
    Good job. Keep writing.


  6. I love tubing! I haven't gotten to go for a long time, though. Too bad you ended up in the hospital, but otherwise sounded like a fun day!


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