The Forest Pool

The Forest Pool
Grace Berkheiser
(age 10)

As the sun comes up at morning's dawn,
A mother deer with little fawn
Come to drink at the forest pool
Where the water flows fresh and cool.

Nearby in a tree a robin sings,
Then off he flies on swift little wings.
Close by a squirrel looks and peeps
Out of a tree where at night he sleeps.

A rabbit come, and for a drink, stops,
Then off he goes with many hops.
It's full of life near the forest pool
Where the water flows fresh and cool.

(Original and unedited)

If you are between the ages of 4-14,(or know someone who likes to write stories)I would like to post your story here. Send me an email. I'd love to read your story!

Signed, Wiggles the Polliwog


  1. That poem is absolutely BEAUTIFUL, Grace! I could picture it so well. Thank you so much for sharing your writing talent!

  2. I really enjoyed your lovely poem, Grace
    Very good job!
    Please continue writing.


  3. Great Job, Grace! Auntie Di

  4. Oma really likes your poem, Grace! Keep writing.

  5. I love this poem, Grace. I felt like I was sitting in the cool forest watching the animals. Great Job!

  6. Hi Grace, your writing is absolutely beautiful! I love the poem and hope to read more from you. Keep up the good work! ... Claudia

  7. the pepere---you have your mothers gift of story telling--very good job.hope to see more --come to maine for inspiration :)

  8. Nice poem Grace- is there a real forest pool that inspired it?

    Keep writing=) I look forward to more of your work.

    Aunt Rachel


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the Polliwog Kids