The Third Floor Bedroom

Scott Thompson
(age 12)

Clayton the butterfly was drawn on eight and a half by eleven sheet of an angel white paper. As he was being drawn many other beautiful butterflies joined, but were very jealous of Clayton.

When the piece was finished, a collage was unfolded right before the designer’s eyes. Then he proudly announced, “The executives at the wallpaper company said that Thomas. A. Sampson could not do this project at all, but I did. I made it. I designed the most popular wallpaper of all.”

Then he ran to his wife Ashley and informed, “I have done the impossible!”

She said happily, “You did? You completed the sketch?”

Thomas answered, “Yes, I did it with your helpful ideas.”

Their ideas and sketches were immediately sent to the wallpaper company, Literature Inc. Bam! In came no other than Thomas with a rejection letter. They were as sad as a rainy day. They were shocked. They were so mad that they couldn't eat the juicy steak that was for dinner that night.

Just as all hope was lost; Thomas declared,” I have a brilliant idea!” They made adjustments to their work and submitted it yet again. The company approved. Mr. And Mrs. Sampson jumped for joy.

From there Clayton and his friends migrated to Literature Inc. to be put in the wallpaper. First, they were printed on a background; then they had to be laminated. Finally, the inspection team went to work. They checked for any miscues or typos or anything that would give the buyer any second thought on buying the product. It was very good. So they handed over 1,000,000,000 rolls of wallpaper to Walmart! They have a hope that the wallpaper will be bought; but for now, the butterflies are sitting here rotting.

Day 1, the butterflies are very tired of all of this. The butterflies want freedom.

Day 13, the butterflies hope that they could be bought. Clayton guessed that he needed enthusiasm.

Day 26, the butterflies are very frustrated.

“My wings are wetter than water!” exclaimed Clayton.

Day 36, the butterflies are playing Xbox.

Day 365 the butterflies are being bought!

Finally, the butterflies and Clayton are being brought to the front desk right now! He could hear the precious ring of the buzzer as they were stamped. Ye-pee! They are free! Now begins their installment. The person whose room they are going to be in is Jason Jefferson. Now the wallpaper is being glued to the wall. It is so exciting! They could smell the disgusting smell of the gorilla glue being applied on the wooden wall. Now the dream of Thomas is coming true. After they are stuck to the wall the butterflies and Clayton sit.

Clayton's friend Xavier declared, “We waited all year for this?”

Clayton replied, “Yes, I guess we did.” He said later,” Maybe it was a bad idea.”

Clayton said happily, 'No, I think this is what Thomas wanted for us.”

So it was like that for many years until one day when Jason left his window open. They were in shock.

“The window is open; come on everybody. Fly out. We are free with slaves gone wild. The feel of the wind urged the many butterflies to come out. The sight of California's beauty was as if it has a scent all its own.

It all started when Jason left the window open

~ *~ * ~

If you are between the ages of 4-14,(or know someone who likes to write stories)I would like to post your story here. Send me an email. I'd love to read your story!

Signed, Wiggles the Polliwog


  1. Scott, I love imaginative and inventive side of this story. The ending is perfect!

  2. This is a wonderfully, creative story, Scott!
    I love butterflies. I look forward to more
    of your stories.
    Good job!


  3. So very creative, Scott! Super writing!


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