The Wild Dogs

The Wild Dogs
By Eileen Armstrong
(age 10)

Imagine you are camping and almost a sleep. Then all of a sudden you hear


Then you wonder “What was that?!” Well that was a wolf. Then you think why do wolves howl and not bark, why do they hunt our pets and not live with us, why are they wolves and not dogs? Well here is why.

When you picture a wolf you think he howls at the moon and doesn’t bark. Well they do howl but not at the moon. They howl to communicate to the rest of the pack. As for barking wolves really do bark just only in specific situations like they just got kicked or swatted at.

When you think of wolves you think they eat meat and don’t live with us. Yes they do eat meat and some times they eat our pets. They don’t live with us because our ancestors have hunted their ancestors and that instinct to run from us has past through the generations of wolves so there for they are scared of us.

Now you might wonder why are wolves not dogs? Well even though wolves and dogs are related they are vary different animals. Wolves are wild animals and dogs are domesticated animals. Wolves hunt for their food but dogs wait for us to give them their food. Wolves at a zoo live around 17 years and wild wolves live to about 9 years well dogs live up to about 14 to 16 years.

So now you now why wolves howl that they do bark and why they bark. They some times eat are pets and tend to stay away form us and why. How and why wolves and dogs are different. Now that you know more about wolves you can share what you learned with other people.

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Wiggles the Polliwog


  1. Thanks, Eileen. I learned something new today!

  2. Thank you, Eileen, for this
    very informative story on
    wolves. Keep up the good


  3. VERY informative, Eileen! Nicely written!


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