The Floppy Floaters

The floppy floaters

By Eileen Armstrong
(age 10)

They flip, and flop, and float around,
but the do it with out a sound.
One is big, and some are small, but I like them all.
One has yellow, one has stripes, and one has orange spots
but I don’t have any with polka dots.
A big black one have I and a small red, silver, and blue one too.
They have tails but not like kites.
And they have fins too.
Have you guessed who they are?
They are my five fish. Do you have some too?

(original and unedited)

If you are between the ages of 4-14,(or know someone who likes to write stories)I would like to post your story here. Send me an email. I'd love to read your story!Signed,
Wiggles the Polliwog


  1. Delightful poem, Eileen! I could see those fish in my mind's eye.

  2. Eileen, you write very well!.
    I like your descriptions.
    Keep writing!



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