Jason, the Cat

Jason, My Cat
by Simon Slider

Actors: Luigi, Luigi’s Mom, Luigi’s Dad, Luigi’s brother Samuel,
Jason, Luigi’s sister Holly, and the Mailman.

Act 1
Scene 1
Scene: The front porch.
Time: Noon at 12:30 to 12:35 P.M.
(Luigi Enters.)
Luigi: Ho hum. (Luigi kicks a rock) Nothing to do. Nowhere to go.
(Luigi’s Mom opens the Door and Enters)
Luigi’s Mom: Luigi, have any exciting plans to do today?
Luigi: Nope. (Luigi kicks the rock again)
Luigi’s Mom: I think I know how to take those gloomy thoughts out of your head, Luigi.
Luigi: You do?
Luigi’s Mom: Yes, I do.
Luigi: Yay! (Gets thoughtful) Wait. What is it?
Luigi’s Mom: You’ll find out tonight. It’s a surprise!
Luigi: Oh boy! I love surprises!
(Luigi’s Mom Exits)
(Mailman and Jason Enter)
Mailman: Hello, Luigi.
Luigi: Hello, Mr. Mailman. What do you have there?
Mailman: A poor cat I found today walking in the streets.
Jason: Meow.
Mailman: I found him when I started to deliver the mail.
Jason: Mreow.
Mailman: As I started to walk on the path he was going he started to follow me like a small soldier.
Jason: Meow, Mreow.
Luigi: He sure is cute.
Mailman: Would you like to adopt him, Luigi?
Luigi: Of course! We have some cat food in the basement leftover from our other kitty.
Mailman: Here’s your mail. Thanks for adopting the kitty!
Luigi: You too! Bye, Mister Mailman!
(Mailman Exits.)
Luigi: Let me show you around the house, little kitty.
Jason: Mreow.

Scene 2
Scene: Luigi’s Brother’s Room
Time: Near 12:45 P.M.
(Luigi, Samuel, and Jason Enter)
Samuel: Where were you?
Luigi: Outside, on the front porch.
Samuel: Were you lucky enough to meet the mailman?
Luigi: I was, and he brought this cat with him.
Jason: Meow. Mreow!
Samuel: He didn’t pay you, did he?
Luigi: (Luigi laughs) Of course not, Samuel! The Mailman never pays me!
Samuel: Are you sure Mom is going to like another cat in the house?
Luigi: Sure. You know she likes cats, especially young cats.
Jason: Meow!
Samuel: Are you sure about all these things?
Luigi: Of course. And look! I got thirteen birthday cards in the mail!
Jason: Meow?
(Luigi’s Dad Enters)
Samuel and Luigi: Hi, Dad!
Luigi’s Dad: Hey, Boys. I went home extra early because nobody came to work.
Luigi: That’s a wonderful birthday present, Dad.
Luigi’s Dad: And what do we have here? A kitten?
Jason: Meow!
(Holly Enters)
Holly: Mom says that it’s lunch time, guys.
Luigi: In a second. I think you’d like to meet Jason.
Holly: Are you sure? We’re having spaghetti today!
Luigi: Are you kidding?
Jason: Meow?
Holly: No, definitely not! Do you smell that garlic bread?
Jason: Meow?
Luigi: Come on, Jason.
(Luigi, Samuel, Holly, Luigi’s Dad, and Jason Exit.)

Scene 3
Scene: The Living Room
Time: 20 minutes after 1:00 P.M.
(Luigi and Luigi’s Dad)
Luigi: Burp. What a great meal I had.
Luigi’s Dad: (sounds serious) Luigi!
Luigi: Oh, excuse me. Thanks for reminding me, Dad.
Luigi’s Dad: Luigi.
Luigi: Yes, Dad?
Luigi’s Dad: Here’s a present.
Luigi: Oh, another present.
Luigi’s Dad: It’s a membership card for Kitty Corner.
Luigi: Thank you, Dad! Now we can visit kitties whose owners are on vacation.
Luigi’s Dad: I thought you might like that.
Luigi: Thanks again, Dad!
Luigi’s Dad: And about the cat.
(Jason Enters)
Jason: Meow. Mreow?
Luigi’s Dad: I think we’ll adopt the kitten.
Luigi: Are you kidding?
Luigi’s Dad: I am not kidding. What name shall we give him?
Luigi: Jason!
Jason: Meow!
Luigi: Welcome to the family, Jason.
Jason: Meow.
(Luigi’s Mom, Holly, and Samuel Enter)
Holly: He is so furry...
Samuel: From head to toe...
Luigi: And he is a kitten.
Everyone: He’s Jason!!
Jason: Meow!
Luigi’s Dad: Happy Birthday, Son!
Luigi: Thanks, Dad!
(Everyone Exits)

The End

(Original and Unedited)

If you are between the ages of 4-14,(or know someone who likes to write stories)I would like to post your story here. Send me an email. I'd love to read your story!Signed,
Wiggles the Polliwog


  1. You did a very good job with your
    play, Simon! I really enjoyed
    reading it. Keep writing!


  2. What a great job with this play, Simon! Enjoyed it very much! I hope you get some people to act it out!


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